great daytime spot
break water up very end passed log yard days and nights park lights on
great place during the week for day time dogging 10 - 2pm
Best place in south island safe private after dark should be used more often
There are young guys walking round after dark most nights been seen on play ground
Great spot for fun in the open to nice Views :) Plus I also Have a house located at the bottom of the hill :) Would love to go frolic in the open :P
Drive up the steepest part of the hill to the little lanes at the top after dark, during the day sometimes too. Beautiful views of the city and very private
Just found an amazing android app called "dogging sex free " you log on and it gives u the location of other users who are out doing some logging if every1 gets on this it will be amazing!! Let's give it a try
Aorangi Road
I know theres afew that have been here, but theres no set time so its a fluke if any1 is seen in action. Lets try a 5pm every saturday meet ;)
collegiate south clubrooms end of chalmers ave thurs and friday great spot
great place for afternoon dogging
Out the way of traffic and housing. Quiet road with some car fun occasionally.
Popular for nighttime fun for couples. Away from housing and not too many cars drive through there.
At the back of the airport. Quiet road away from traffic. Sometimes a few cars. Good spot for action without much interruption.