Great secluded play and sunbathing spot turn right down the track from the carpark at end of sims rd otaki.
Come down to the firsts big bridge down dalefield rd tomorrow on the 28th of dec and 4pm for some dogging fun lets make this a consistent spot so all of us wairarapa people have some where fun to go to ;) (PS yes it is the one going over the mangatarere stream the biggest bridge down that rd) ive also put a blanket down under the bridge to indicate what side and a stick with bubble wrap on it to show you what side to enter from parking is just up by the railway bridge you will have to walk a little sorry. Thanks hope to see a good number of both sexes there today
Keen to get some dogging under my belt. I herd that this location works sometimes... someone help me. where do we go for this kinky fun?
Anyone keen too meet up in wellington i have a caravan couples or females only
The weather is looking like it will be nice and sunny for the summer - who wants to play in the dunes on the coast...
Anyone interested in some fun ngatitoa domain or the beach round the Cnr when the sun goes down tonight or tomorrow?
Just putting it out their. I live across the road from the park ( tanera ) there is some nice bushes to hide in. I think I would also like to be watched by someone. Any takers
Saturday and Wednesday nights between 8 and 9pm in the parking lot below. Fun stuff has been happening, park and flash your interior lights on a couple times to signal you are a player.
Between trains at night time is great. piece of string/ribbon on back wiper. Flick of the indicator to come over. Met couple there and watched her go down on a young lass while hubby enjoyed his own company. How do you set the time to meet?
Mckewan park by the mquarry entrance, follow the path towards river mouth. There is a stand of trees before the path heads up strea
QE PArk north of Paekakakriki, main entrance down but eh beach, round up to left to lookout
Lots of places to play along the river side and mowed bush clearings with lots of places to park..... Lots of tracks to explore...
Sladden Park in Alicetown is a great place for dogging or joining in as its public enough with plenty of private places to play .....Open all hours!!!!