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13 hours ago
Bi-curious Female, 33
0 km · Auckland


Been here before, needed to sort myself out and now I'm back again. As per usual, nothings changed on this site 😂

Experience so far...

It's been average lol. Met some people, chatted, slept with a few and couldn't quite tee up times with others. Have also had a couple of meetups I would rather forget too hence why I go on a little in the next few paragraphs.

A little about me...

I'm just your average woman haha. Work alot, need an escape from everyday life. Yes I'm a big girl so if that's not your thing, that's fine. You don't need to scold me in the comments or offer me personal training (legit, I've been offered personal training quite a few times. Don't be a dick, just don't comment). I'm bicurious, was a menace in my younger days and had a couple of hookups but don't remember much if I'm honest. I'd be keen to explore and experiment.

So what am I after?

A friend with benefits for regular fun. I'm not fussed if you have a partner, that's your problem not mine. Have an idea on how you want to do this before we start chatting because I'm not going to help you figure it out. I'll be mindful of your situation but don't plan to meet and then have to bail because you can't get out if the house.

Couple with kids? Single parent? Aunty or Uncle taking care of nieces or nephews? Cool, I take my hat off to you. Not a deal breaker either, just communicate. Things comes up, kids get sick, your ex isn't in a great mood or babysitters fall through - it's all fine, just don't lie about it lol. If you do lie, then I suggest you keep up with those lies because I have a good memory.


Have multiple fwbs on the go? Awesome, do your thang but keep your ducks in a row and remember who's who. If you can't keep up, that again is not my problem. I'd prefer to keep my circle small, just keeps it drama free. Don't need to know who you happen to be sleeping with, discretion is just common courteousy.

Where are all my nudes? They don't exist! Not into virtual fun. Let's chat a little and if we click, we'll tee up. Long and short, I don't have nudes to send and if you do get one, we're probably fucking or we've already fucked.

We've chatted before? Let's chat again. I can't remember everyone's profiles, it's been awhile. I recognize some but most I don't. If you msg and I don't remember who you are, I'm sorry.

You recognize me? Awesome. Say hi. If we chatted or met and it was a flop, still say hi and let's have a laugh lol. If you might make it weird, just don't bother and let's save both of us the awkwardness.

Am I a racist? Haha far from it but I do naturally prefer Māori and Pacific Island guys, it's a natural attraction. I'm halfcast Māori myself and in my experience, brown guys are usually more accepting of bigger woman.

Am I a big girl? Yes I am. Average ass and small boobs (my profile pic is a tad catfish like but its a good angle for small boobs lol) for a big woman. Yes I have a tummy, loose skin, stretch marks, lumps and bumps. No I'm not for everyone and that's okay. I still wear lingerie and I'm a good fuck so that's what matters haha.

How experienced are you with woman? I'm not but I'm tossing up if I'm Bicurious or Heteroflexible (Google it if you don't know what ot means haha)

Made it this far?

Bloody legend lol. Drop me a msg and let's chat. Still tossing up if I actually invest in a membership so 3 msgs a day it is. If you have another way to chat, drop it to me in a msg. Guys, I'm a female getting multiple msgs a day. I will try and get back to as many people as I can but can't make any promises.

I might be considered hardwork but I'm really not. Think I'm brutal? I'm not trying to be. Just don't want to waste anyone's time 😊


Anal sex
Straight sex


Age: 18 - 40
Distance: 30 km