A Fetish poem (of a kind)
It isn't about pain,
it isn't even about gratification,
although thats a bonus.
It's about control,
about knowing when to stop.
Of knowing the thin line
between pleasure and pain.
It isn't about humiliation,
It's knowing what she wants
what she is
what she needs.
No demarcation of what is
or what isn't allowed,
only that it is to,
to heighten
to elevate
the mind the soul the spirit.
It doesn't have to be
If done properly though,
it can transcend
take you to a plateau
of pleasure
that your body has yearned for.
To your personal nirvana
that you have read about,
that which you have always known
inside you
Only now, like a butterfly
escaping its chrysalis,
like an ephiphany,
it burst free,
crystal clear
clarity of the heart
of the soul.