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"Beyond the realms of fun. (Pt 3)"

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So it's fair to say date 2 confirmed the attraction was there.. She's headed home to immediately aim to orgasm, while we have had sex not long after she left, talking about her the whole way through it.. Revisiting the 'what if' moments of the night we just spent with her.

It's probably a good time to fill you in a little more about her past here.. She has had a couple of threesomes before but these were 10+ years ago. They took place in a short lived marriage. Since the marriage ended she has had a steady BF of 7 years but that also ended now she had been single for the last year and a half. From date 1 we knew she was a loyal soul, you can just tell with some people. She is kind, caring and although perhaps not portrayed correctly in these stories, our chat is far from all sex related.. We were getting to know each other incredibly deeply.

OK back to planning... Date 3.. Well the sexual tension at this point is pretty high.. We've realised everyone was willing to break a boundary rule early.. But I had the feeling that we overcame temptation for the greater good. I think we all knew though what date 3 was going to have in store for us 😈. We began bouncing around ideas on what we should do for it and settled for a night away somewhere... Raglan.

As we started exchanging more and more pictures in the week's between, she began sending some pics of her in her outfits, nurse, school girl, teacher.. She had them all, admittedly these photos were old, perhaps of her earlier swinging days, but she has changed very little over the years.. She then trys on some of her other lingerie and sends through some fresh pics for us to ask what we think. Some of these left very little to the imagination and we were not complaining! We decided all to wear red for what was inevitably going to be our first threesome together.. Mrs N jumped online to buy some new lingerie herself to match the colour theme.

The next two weeks I would describe as a living hell.. It felt like it dragged forever and also knowing we had an opportunity in the weeks prior to get intimate but declined, really added to that hell.

Im going to also add at this point our threeway chat to this day is always going strong.. A day with 100 messages between us is a quiet day.. It goe's way beyond that most of the time. Just to give you a sense of the inbetween of these dates.

Raglan weekend arrives, we drive over to her place and pick her up, head straight to the supermarket where we buy a range of snacks and treats we all felt like. Quick stop to the liquor store and then headed out. We arrived an hour before we could check in so opted to have a look through the surf shops. One even sells coffee out the front so we grabbed one and done some people watching for a bit. Joking amongst ourselves about how these people are unaware of what we are getting up to later.

We receive a message our accommodation is ready so head up to check in. It's a little 2 bedroom apartment just a short walk from the main shops. It's a quirky little retro themed apartment, very clean and tidy. We inspect both the bedrooms but one was better than the other, we all place our bags in it... I guess this was us solidifying subconsciously we were sleeping in the same bed tonight.

Settled in and ready to enjoy this night we all shared a kiss before opening our first drinks, we sat for hours on the couch talking... We just never seem to run out of conversation.. Mrs N and her have so many things in common that we joke they are lost twins. But the cool part is she also shares interests with me.. Photography and rugby 😍.

It starts getting dark and although we had food with us decided we should head out, after all we didn't just come to sit in an apartment. We head down to one of the bars, grabbed some more drinks and food. Again find ourselves people watching, another thing we seem to have in common..

We could feel the weather had started turning at this point so decided to walk back before we got caught in it.. Back to the apartment couch.. A few more drinks deep and flirt picking up she went to the bedroom and brought out a bag.. Inside it was riddled with lingerie all her costumes, she pulled out each one to show us and we inspect and make comment on how many she has.. Then the red one she had showed us in pics during the week.. ' she said I'm going to go put this on'.

That was our que, while she was in the bathroom changing, Mrs N got into her red lingerie and me my red boxers. This was our preplanned colour theme. Rejoining on the couch and checking over each other we began kissing.. We didn't last long on the couch before heading to the bedroom but not before the girls opted to take some selfies in their attire.. I also had my camera with me but their pics came out far better. The photos stopped and the kissing restarted.. The detail of this night is basically an explosive, lust filled, romantic ball of connection that popped on this one very moment.. All the waiting had certainly payed off.. We only had one rule.. Condoms.. So I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.. But I will add.. Hot, hot, hot!!

We fall asleep embraced in each other, waking early in the morning, the touching starts again, still smelling like sex from the night before, we don't care... Round 2! A sweaty mess we were but now there's no more self doubt, this woman we've connected with on so many levels wants us... We want her too!! I feel we all know this now.. We know this has all the right foundations, we've been on the same page since day 1, our connection has been growing, we are all future focused... This could be it!

After a second hot encounter our checkout time is fast approaching.. We get showered and made to look presentable to face the vanilla world who have no idea what we were up to only moments before..

We head out to breakfast at one of the cafes, all still glowing from our night together. No awkwardness, just in awe of what happened. To really top things off our breakfast was bloody good... I think that just topped off what was a perfect night. We said our goodbyes to Raglan and began the drive back. She fell asleep in the back of the car on the way home.. To me that showed a few things.. The obvious was the lack of sleep we had.. But also she was feeling comfortable with us.

We make it back to her neighborhood but her son and his girlfriend are still at her place from house sitting the night before.. So we head around the corner to a coffee shop to wait for them to depart still laughing and giggling from the night before like little school kids . Finally the son leaves so we head to her place and inside.. Mrs N is a hairdresser and before the weekend she had offered to do her hair.. So she offered to do this while she was there with her equipment and to break up our journey home. As the girls do there thing and have their girly chat I'm just absolutely buzzing on the couch just completely zoned out, I was tired but also mind was racing. I think there becomes a point when all your gut feelings just feel like they were right all along.. I get the sense this was probably that moment for me. We started talking about our next date as her hair was processing and how much we all enjoyed our night away. There was a pretty obvious conversation that this was going to continue and we were all for it.

Time came to carry on home, another big kiss and cuddle goodbye then we were on our way..

To be continued...

Written by Nectarlips

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