I had known Marie for a long time. We both worked for the same company, had worked together previously at a different company and she was now a regional manager and I was the manager of one of the branches for the same firm.
Marie had had a number of boyfriends over the years, including children to one, but had never seemed to settle down and seemed to pick guys at different times that I thought were drop kicks.
We went away to a conference together with a few other colleagues and as we were both managers Marie and I both had our own rooms in the hotel and didn't have to share like a lot of the others. The first night we had a function and then I headed off to my room and was just about to get in the lift when Marie caught up to me and got in alongside. She said she had had enough for the night. As we got to her floor and the door opened she asked if I fancied a coffee. We'd known each other for years and kind of thought of each other as friends. She often confided in me about things, wanting my opinion on work matters and we'd regularly have a coffee to discuss things.
I went to her room and sat on the couch while she made us a coffee and sat chatting a while. The chat moved to personal matters , my wife had a few health issues and she was enquiring about them. I asked her why she has never found a decent guy and surprisingly she said because I have never met someone like you. I thought she was joking but she was quite serious. I told her I'd actually fancied her for years, from way before I was married but she had always seemed way out of reach. We started talking about poly and open marriages etc and I said because my wife is ill I have permission to play if I'm discreet. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when I said that and replied I would never have picked that in a million years. She asked had I ever thought about fucking her and I said quite often in fact. Her next response almost floored me when she said do you want to fuck me now. I didn't need to be asked twice and started kissing her. Very quickly we were both naked and fucking. I fingered, ate and fucked her to several orgasms, she let me cum in her pussy and then her mouth and asked me to stay the night so we could have a few repeats.
We slept together again the next night, fucking a number of times again and then when we went home it continued. We'd go to her house in separate cars in the afternoon instead of working and fuck, we'd travel to the branches close by together for meetings and stop off on the way and she'd give me a blowjob in the car and we also fucked a few times in her office after hours. That was a bit risky but we both just wanted it. It only finished when she got a transfer to another city, some would argue it was possibly an abuse of power on her behalf but I didn't see it that way at all. We were both consenting adults and to be honest I would have happily fucked her if she was my boss or not.