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And now she is cheating on me

"I want you to cum over my tits and give me a pearl necklace."

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Author's Notes

"He thought his wife was cheating. But it was a FWB situation. A lot of vanilla people don’t understand the two are totally different. They think because you are both having sex, it is an affair. But in an affair you have made an emotional connection and love is involved. But in a FWB situation you have made a physical connection which does not include love. If you’re having trouble seeing the difference, just think.......You can buy sex from a stranger on a street corner but you can’t buy love."

I can’t believe I was so stupid !!! All the signs were there, I just didn’t see them. It’s been four weeks since I thought my wife was cheating on me. It has taken all this time to get my head around what has happened. In the last four weeks I have thought about several responses. 

You need to know more about my wife before I go any further. We have been married 37 years and when I met her she was a virgin. She said I was the only person she had slept with. We had a standard joke.... if she was in a good mood she would tell me I was the best lover she had ever had and if she was in a bad mood she would tell me I was the worst lover she had ever had. When you are the only lover she has ever had you are both. As a teenager I thought it was perfect. But now I think it’s very sad. I think we are not here for a long time so try everything. Just imagine steak is very nice but image if it was all you ate for your whole life. My wife was not very adventurous. She is probably what you would describe as vanilla and the lack of adventurousness is not just sexual.

About six months ago I noticed a change in her. She had become adventurous and confident both in and out of the bedroom. Something’s really shocked me, but at the time I was thinking this is great. It started with her joining me on my weekly e-bike ride and being a lot more affectionate, with a spring in her step and acting like a teenager. Then she started wearing makeup more and buying lingerie. In the past sex was always initiated by me. But now she would very often meet me at the front door and just about rip my clothes off. In the past I really had to do some sweet talking for her to give me a B/J and she never let me cum in her mouth. That had all changed.

One weekend she really shocked me. I have the tv connect to the internet. Some nights I watch porn. She knows about it, but has never watched one and always goes to bed. But this weekend when I asked her what she wanted to watch on tv she said why don’t we watch a blue movie ? I was speechless. About halfway through the movie she ripped my cock out and started sucking on it furiously then she got up and dragged me down on the floor and fucked my brain out.

As if that didn’t shock me enough, several weeks later it was her birthday. About a week out I asked her what she wanted. I expected her answer to be something like new handbag, a pamper package or something like that. But instead she said why don’t you go to Adam and Eve’s and get me something there. When I asked her what she wanted from there all she said was....... “surprise me “ So I brought her a sex toy. I half expected her to say ........ “ it was only a joke “ but to my astonishment not only did she use it but she forced me to watch. Mind you I didn’t need too much encouragement.

Since then she has done a lot of online shopping and how has quit a collection. She always gives me a little demonstration of her new acquisition. How dumb could I be ?????

I thought my wife had turned into my own little sex kitten until I saw a movie. Then the lights went on. I thought YOU DUMB FUCK. Some of the things she had been doing were exactly the same as in the movie. I thought like in the movie she was having an affair.

I must admit I was a little angry and pissed off and wanted to confront her at the time. But I was also very confused. Unlike in the movie she had become even more affectionate and lovey dovey towards me so maybe I was wrong. I definitely didn’t want to go off half cocked and accuse her of doing something she wasn’t doing. And I must admit I didn’t want to put having my dick licked in jeopardy.

I thought I would pay more attention to her over the coming weeks to see if there were any patterns that might give her away.

The one thing I did notice was when I arrived home on a Wednesday she was always made up and exceptionally horny. I came up with a plan to find out the truth once and for all. My brother lives just around the corner and we very often swoop cars. His car has a tow bar and mine doesn’t so I very often borrow it to do a dump run. I wanted an unrecognisable car as I planned to park down the street and observe her comings and goings.

I was clad I hadn’t jumped the gun and accused her because my initial reaction had passed and I had put myself in her shoes. My mantra has always been......”do everything,......regret nothing.” I had never thought of it sexually. I had always meant like snorkeling, skiing or ballooning but I suppose it is also true sexually. It’s okay for me. I had been with other women before we had met but she hadn’t had any previous experience. I was no longer angry, just curious to see what the guy that excited her looked like. I organised a day off in two weeks time. Even though I wasn’t angry any more, if she was having an affair I was going to confront her just to see how she was going to handle it. In the meantime life went on as normal.

As I said she had become adventurous in other ways to. I have got an E- bike and have always tried to get her to join me but she always tells me to”F “off and she hates biking. Several months ago I joined a group that meets up for a ride every Sunday morning. I had become friends with a nice couple ( Barry and Lesley ) from the ride. The ride is very social and male dominated. We had decided to have a mid winter dinner and include our partners. My wife ( Sharon ) and I went along. Barry and Lesley ganged up on Sharon asking her why she wasn’t joining us? Being confronted by two strangers isn’t like being confronted by your husband, you can’t really tell them to”F “off you hate biking. So she used not having a bike as an excuse. Lesley said don’t worry I have recently updated my bike and I haven’t sold the old one yet so you can use that. I thought trapped. So now she had no excuse. It only took one ride and she loved it. She even brought Lesley’s old bike from her. Usually Sharon rides with Lesley and I ride with Barry. I don’t know what the woman talk about but we talk about all sorts of things. Barry was telling me about being with a girl back in his teenage years at the beach. He said she was lying on her back and he was kneeling over her tossing off. He said he gave her a pearl necklace. I had never heard the term before so he had to explain it. She has droplets 💧of cum around her neck like pearls.

While waiting for my day off to arrive Sharon and I were having a sex season. About halfway through she said “ cum over my tits and give me a pearl necklace “ To hear the same phrase only weeks apart was to much of a coincidence. I thought bloody Barry. I couldn’t think to badly of him because I had often thought what would Lesley be like in the sack. I still wanted to catch them at it so I waited for my day off to arrive. As planned I parked just down the road in my brothers car and waited.I didn’t know if I would have to follow her or if they would meet at my place. I didn’t have to wait to long when I saw Barry’s car pull up. I watched as he got out. Then to my surprise Lesley got out the other side. I was very confused.......... maybe it was a social visit. I waited about half an hour to see if they were going to leave. Then I took the short walk home, trying to think of a reason for not being at work. I expected to see the three of them sitting at the breakfast bar having a coffee. But as soon as I opened the door that thought went right out the window. I could hear that familiar sound of Sharon moaning. I followed the sounds to the entrance of the bedroom. I was met with the site of Lesley lying flat on her back with only her bra on and Sharon on her hands and knees between her legs fingers fucking her and licking her mould between moaning. Barry was right behind her ramming his cock into her. Everyone was to busy to notice me. I watched for a while trying to workout what to do before leaving and returning to the car unseen. I had thought about joining them but this was Sharon’s thing. I had decided to stay quiet about it but if I was ever invited to join them, I would. For now it’s my little secret. The image of that little scene is burnt into my brain. And the image of seeing Sharon with other people, both men and women is such a turn on. It’s such a buzz watching them together and knowing they have no idea I know there little secret.

Written by Minneme

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