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I am Me… I am a Powerful Woman

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Author's Notes

"First meet of a Sub and Dom"

I am Me, I am a powerful woman..

Ian gazes out of his kitchen window in anticipation of this sultry visitor he’s about to receive..

He remembers the fire he felt at their first brief visual encounter and his mind drifts there again like so many times since that moment..

Helena was on her tippy toes with her hand sheltering the sun from those gentle almond shaped sky blue eyes as she scanned the train platform..

This will be the true testament to his profile picture online she chuckled hopefully..

She felt her heart gently butterflying in her chest with a mixture of excitement and growing nervousness..

Here come those overwhelming feelings of….

What if….

What if he doesn’t like the way I look?

What if he doesn’t turn up??

What if his profile pictures are nothing like what he looks like now??

What if….. oh shut up, she mutters to herself annoyingly..

She redirects her thoughts as her therapist has been trying to teach her…

He is going to be an amazing clique of ‘The dark and handsome man’ helen told herself almost pleading.. who captured her intriguing interest while unsatisfied, randomly scrolling male profiles on that rainy Sunday in her bed..

His was like a fresh hit of a new drug with that euphoric feeling at his handsome picture..

It was his eyes that looked deep into her soul.. the longer she gazed at that photo her entire body began to react in a way she hadn’t felt in so long..

She wanted to scroll to the next picture but didn’t want to be disappointed…

Resigning to the fact of being continuously unlucky in love, she swiped and unexpectedly blushed at his next photo…

It showed him at the beach smiling with only a pair of shorts on and dripping from being in the surf.. oh my, she gasped..

Clearly he was an older gentleman with an aging salt and peppered look but still an athletic, strong, younger than his age physical appearance with the dark exotic complexion of a beautiful Maori man..

Helena found herself dreaming and desiring to dry this man off while he told her of the latest exploits he just had with her two young sons in the surf… both her boys were running back from the water yelling at this man to come back in and play some more…

Ian gently explains to the boys so understandingly he now wants to spend some time with their mum for a bit and the promise of more fun later…

Both boys sighed with understanding and ran back to the water..

He smiles with the radiance glow of true happiness that makes her shift her legs as she starts to moisten with this imaginary scenario…

You’re such a hopeless romantic, Helena chuckles as she catch’s herself and returns after dreamingly drifting away while standing on the platform..

She suddenly feels like a naughty schoolgirl who was desiring her teacher in class with blushing cheeks… ashamed at her thoughts..

Stay focused please, she pleads to herself as she turns to rescan the passing commuters..

Ian jumps the last steps from the train with a youthful apprehension and instantly sees this stunning woman ahead of him..

He recognises Helena from her online photos..

Instantly he notices she had the most caring and gentle feminine energy radiating from her as she was standing on the platform..Her gorgeous figure is captured in tight jeans that show athletic long legs that he suddenly desires to have wrapped around him tightly for assurance to tell him she is his…

Wow, he admires to himself happily..

Her brightly coloured pink woollen top hugs her upper body which allows him to be drawn to her beautiful breasts that are being contained within..

He loves the visual balance of Helena’s fashion sense that perfectly sits between the right amount of feminine beauty and respectful womanly class..

He smiles admirably towards her without her knowing…

Ian slows his pace as he notices her drifting eyes looking into the distance and he wonders what has her attention..She is clearly not present but as quickly as she drifted she returns with a warming smile to herself with a minor head tilt, she turns..

Hello Helena, he whispers….

The sun beams thru his window and warms his face with heated tentacles as he remembers every detail surprisingly vividly as if he was still standing there now..

His heart swells at that glorious afternoon he spent with this amazing woman after she waited for him on that platform..

They had been online chatting prior for some months now and he remembered those online conversations..

He was pleased he had been so truthful and present with this woman as she demanded nothing less without even knowing it..

They both had felt they had a connection and had decided there was enough chemistry between them to physically meet..He wasn’t silly and understood there was going to be forced and learnt reservations from their past relationships within both of them…

This saddened him as those painful emotions of loss started to rise within him morphing into personal doubt….

What if she falls in love with someone else??

Am I good enough to keep this beauty??

STOP IT…. NO!! He shouted with pure conviction…

He had sabotaged enough moments with these lingering feelings and he was done with the pain..He reminded himself he was a good man, he had worked so hard processing the loss of his wife to another man..

He knew within every molecule of his heart, body and soul he deserved to feel that wonderful feeling of love again… it had been so long..He physically shook the rising tension from his body and knew it was different now..

He was happy to be hurt again he thought… Only if it was preceded by the amazing heart dancing inside his chest moments…

Only if he could be lost within the intimate passion of a woman’s eyes he felt he would die for..

Oh to be woken in the morning with the rain dancing on the roof and hearing the Angelic singing and gentle humming of this woman moisturising her naked body in the bathroom, while getting ready for the day ahead…

He was ready again for love… in all its beauty and trials that lay ahead and this is the closest he has come to feeling this since it had all happened..

You deserve this boy, he positively expresses to himself in agreement..

He recalled the last conversations he had with Helen which had ventured into personal sexual desires, she had mentioned she liked to be sexually submissive..Helena had expressed her desire of having a dominant but gentle masculine male energy in her life..

Ian remembered how this had aroused him more than he had expected…He hadn’t been able to get the image out of  his mind which had created a mental wanting picture of this gorgeously toned, feminine, seductive woman in black lingerie looking at him on all fours with wanting and pleading desire to be used as he pleased…

Bathed in the warm sunshine at the window he started to shift with arousal at these thoughts again as he had every-time previously..His hands drifted downward to touch his rising manhood… an erotic deep satisfaction rumble escapes between his lips as his touch sends electric waves from the pulsating tip of his cock to deep inside of his tightening balls..

He knew it was only an erotic dream-like fantasy but the fascination of what she had said was manifesting and activating a part of him that had never before been explored..

He had always classed himself as a good giving lover but the opportunity for experimentation of kink had never happened to him before… it excited him…

Am I what they call a Vanilla lover?..

He questioned himself damningly for being sexually naive and he felt a little ashamed in the knowledge as he knew the answer…He smacked his bulging presence in his tightened pants aggressively out of frustration which he had never done before..This sent driving pulses to other parts of his body that have never felt sensitive like that before..He felt his bums cheek muscles lock tight and the tingling twitching of the rim of his bum was buzzing with excitement like a million individual nerves screaming at once..His nipples were suddenly alive for the first time and reacting to the material on his shirt.. he shivered with the sensation of it..

A flash of a choker neck collar attached to a silver chain around this little petite and gentle primary school teacher’s neck, was driving these never experienced arousing desires into something intensely satisfying.. He dreamed of her tongue hung from her mouth panting for his dominance, her hair hung low down over her devilish glazed eyes as they hunted and pleaded him…

‘She is now my wanting whore!’

He gravelled aloud…

It shocked him when he heard the intent in his voice and he quickly scanned around the kitchen hoping no one had heard..

Who is this person I am becoming and has this erotic desire been hiding behind a generational moral armour inside of me, he wondered.. Conflicting thoughts and newly found kink emotions were fighting for pole position inside his reeling mind with no sense of control whatsoever… Flashing images of Lust and Sexual Desire intertwined with these erotic powers he longed to possess thru the Dominance of this woman was overwhelming, and she wants me to do it!

He wondered if he was quickly either falling in love with Helena, or was he falling for the desire and lust of the kink as he sat in that sun drenched window.. His want to feel this intense intimacy with this woman was so overwhelming and powerful.. He knew a monumental boulder had been removed from the entrance of his sexual desire awareness liar.. It did worry him as he didn’t know what was lurking down there and going to rise from the dark shadows to be exposed….


He fearfully acknowledged… while wrapped in these deep conflicting thoughts inside his own head..

Then he heard it…..

The doorbell!…….

Helena cast her mind back as she drove up the motorway reflecting on everything that had happened so far.. She had decided that this moment would be the allocated time for this..

She had a few hours of driving to do and hopefully she would have come to a decision based upon her rational findings.. She made herself feel everything from the initial instant intrigue of Ian’s handsome profile pictures that was so captivating along with his personal box ticking profile write up…

That was all so smooth she smiled with a satisfying expression…

It was the way his photography had a mystery element to them.. the lighting seemed to soften his appearance somehow or was I imagining all of this??

See… look what lust can do to your irrational mind woman, she murmured..

No.. she condemned, this is different..

She was beginning to know this man after the journey of conversation that followed the initial online contact, she felt comfortable trusting with him..

That internal button at the heart of every woman’s soul ‘to feel secure’ was gently being pushed in the most genuine way she has ever known… Then again she had never felt completely secure with any of her previous partners, her choice of men hadn’t been in her best interests due to blinding young love and that bloody lustful desire she possessed..

A disappointed and condemning gaze in the rear-vision mirror at herself was a quick acknowledgement moment…After all of those years of pain, hurt, and mental suffering she had endured for what seemed to her at the time the necessity of falling in love..

Acceptance quickly followed which softened her frown as she had felt she had become stronger from all of those experiences….

There was still an underlying feeling that she hadn’t tested yet, could she trust her newfound selfs instincts yet?

Ian would be the first person that had caught her attention since then, she had to trust in herself and she could only hope and see…Her mind dreamily wandered to their first meeting and the afternoon that followed…

An instant attraction was felt and she remembered Ian hinting at the same notion which was so uplifting.. It gave her that fluttery feeling of excitement and anticipation..

Remembering how calming and safe she felt in his masculine presence right from the first meeting on that platform, which had been previously removed from her life..

Too busy navigating the dark corridors of the last heartbreaking relationship failure with a close friend.. Barely surviving personally over the last year while having to portray a lie of strength for her two pre-teenaged boys…The saddened kick in the ribs was the loss of close friends and family members.. They had decided to either pick the other side or show their true colours with painfully selfish and unreasonable demands of her at such a vulnerable time.. She only needed love and support in this time of need from them and not ridicule and abandonment..

She remembered how the loneliness had been so emotionally suppressive with the added weight of depression, along with a good sprinkle of fear for the unknown that lied ahead.. Her eyes begin to welt with salty drops as her vision became blurry and silent tears felt cool as they gently stung while crossing her sensitive cheeks…

No more, She demanded…

This is a happy time and that’s all behind me now, as she wiped the tears away with her dainty fingers…

I have worked hard on myself and found out what my continual failings in my personality were, all thru the power of learning through my grieving and now I have an internal LIONESS STRENGTH!, as she let out a feminine emotionally charged roar that echoed in her little car.. I’ve also learnt to be less reliant on others and most of all I have worked out that…

          ‘I’m a fucking cool chick man’!!…

.. as she jabbed the air with a fist of power with this statement…

Helena’s mood rises with these words and she now truely understands how much she has changed…Smiling now as she knows she can trust herself to make whatever decision is necessary.. She had learnt to look after her happiness and never let anyone manipulate her life again…


I did it!!!! She continues this positive energy by mentioning to herself…

‘Im creating the best me that there has ever been before’..

I’m collecting good inspiring people in my life that positively challenge and motivate me.. and they truely care and support me..

Unlike most of the people who she had chosen to surround herself with before, there was no one left standing with her now.. She felt the sting of this realisation and admiration for her strength to stand alone and become a stronger person… she continued..

After meeting Ian I have realised that I was missing that calming secure energy that makes me more of a balanced human…

I need this energy in my life..

She basks in the euphoric glow of this huge mentally shifting moment that has just shown itself to her through life at this moment reflection..

Tears begin rolling again and this time she leaves them to fall as she knows they are well deserved tears of proud happiness and hard fought achievement.. These were for her strength and the ability to understand and accept all of her personal intricacies after all of these years of continuous let downs..

Life is Good!! …

She bellows at a car she is passing with an upper class, high tea type lady sitting in it.. She had a permanent resting duck’s bum look on her face and was staring disgustingly at Helena..

Oops, Helena blushes at the irony at that moment and instinctively pokes her tongue out like a child, while laughing then accelerates down the highway towards her new intriguing chapter of her life..

I am me, I am a powerful woman!! ,she yells to the wind..

Her mind wanders again… and she shifts in her seat as she remembers with blushing cheeks..

She had decided to put on her sub mistress, sexy black and intricately laced Lingerie set with matching stockings and garters.. Helena recalled how she was happily impressed with how she looked in her full length mirror all dressed up.. She had felt so sexually aroused being caressed by these beautiful garments..

She remembered how her hands began following the outline of her feminine curves and the lace felt so nice on her smooth skin..

She felt the way her sensuality had overtaken her as she under cupped her large breasts with both hands, they were being lifted by this beautifully fitting bra and a gasp of erotic air was released between her lips.. They felt so sensitive and she loved her breasts quietly, they have always been relied upon if needed to draw a man’s attention to her.. she naughtily smiled.. Her hands continued caressing seductively until she had both nipples between fingers and thumbs… she paused and watched herself eagerly in the mirror as she progressively applied pressure until they were being squeezed firmly…

A sharp breath is inhaled and held..

Her hips were gently swaying and thrusting seductively causing the tight fitting lace to rub against the entire surface of her freshly waxed pussy and labia lips…Intimate and Sensual sensations instantly rose and crashed over her like a shore break pounding the shallows…

She was on fire with the desire and noticed her pussy glistening through the lace…

God she felt like a woman, a sexual being who wanted nothing more than to be taken by Ian and used and controlled at his pleasure… She remembered their conversation and she had told him of her desire to be dominated by a man.. Now that thought was pounding erotically at all her sensitive areas of her highly aroused body.. Her breath had quickened as her eyes refocused on the mirror in the bathroom at herself…

You’re a dirty vixen deep down girl, she proudly condemned herself…She couldn’t recall the last time she felt like this it had been so long.. .. Too long!!

While standing there she noticed herself dripping sensually down the inside of her legs..

She seductively blushed at herself..

Her womanhood was returning along with passion and desire again..

She pauses… as she admires how seductively sexy she looks and feels in the mirror….

She bends over in the mirror as her hands squeeze naughtily on her bum cheek, they spread her cute MILF bum cheeks to expose all of her cute womanhood from behind… she looks good!!

Fuck It… how can being this horny be a bad thing she decides.. as her hands tease her body and increase her sexual arousal…Helena found herself starting to whimper as she slowly and purposefully pulled the front of her knickers upwards tightly causing the lace to gather and thin…This caused her now completely glistening and swelling womanly labia lips to squeeze flat and spread until they were forced out either side of the tightened lace..The ecstasy from the increasing pressure on her tightening bum hole all the way up to her now protruding blushing clit started her legs to shake sporadically..She sent more pulsing erotic waves over her body as she began constantly up-stroking with clawed fingers and roughly scratching at her lace covered section of her sweet screaming pussy and swollen bud..

She loved watching herself abuse her womanhood in the mirror and couldn’t if she wanted to, stop this erotic behaviour…

I deserve this she growls!!

Her intimate loudening moans bounced off the tiled bathroom walls all around her sharply..

Her face was flushed with desperate erotic desire as the wet, tightened black lace is suddenly pulled to one side.. It was forcefully drawn across her swollen and pulsating pink flesh of her big womanly pussy to gain complete access..

Stretch me, she pleaded to herself..

Helena seductively places her hands on her belly with pressure and slides it down her smooth mound following her womanly frontal pelvic contours.. Her breath is shortening as she feels the soft folds of her upper pussy surrounding her engorged and pulsating bud..

It longs to be caressed and licked and that will hopefully be taken care of by Ian..

Her fingers part and slip either side with pressure just brushing her sweet clit. Holding there, she rubs her lips both sides continuing to tease herself, she feels how wet she is becoming.. This sensation has her bending over and raising her bum to accept her imaginary lover anywhere he wants to take her.. This fantasy image sends her fingers rubbing faster while she imagines a cock stretching her bum out like she loves..

Her fingers slide completely down her gorgeously swelling big pussy and grabs all of her dripping labia, then gathers them in while lifting, quickly releasing she slaps at her pussy multiple times… she convulses at the wonderful feeling’s it creates.. she slaps more forcefully this time… Oh my fucking god!, she expresses loudly..She moans with pure pleasure as other hand caresses her breasts..

Her searching fingers expertly slip deep inside her hot, twitching love hole..The sound of moistened suction as she draws her fingers in and out forcefully slow, excites her more as she is so fucking horny now…

The moaning turns to high pitched screams and now squatting, she increases the pumping rhythm faster and deeper inside of herself, she’s now adding more fingers to feel the stretching fullness she is craving


MORE NOW!!..she demands in a desperate howl.. Her other hand is now added to her wanting and needing pussy.. It begins circling inside her dripping and spread pussy lips with heavy pressure applied to her swollen clit…The tempo increases quickly until she’s rubbing heavily at an extreme speed…

Helena fucks her big beautiful stretched pussy hard with her fingers and slaps at her clit in between frantic rubbing..Shes watching herself intensely with screaming desperation and is erotically aroused by the aggressiveness she displays….

FUCK YESSSSS… she screams..


Every muscle in her body is contracting beautifully to it’s limits with neck veins protruding and full of ecstasy..The pleasure helen is feeling while purposely destroying her pussy is intensely satisfying….Her crimsoned coloured flushed face contorts as her body explodes into the most intense orgasmic sensation…

You fucking slut!!

You fucking love it!!

I want more!! She’s screaming with pure passionate rage..

Hips thrusting powerfully forward towards the mirror.. Her hands continue pumping, rubbing and slapping at her completely spread and punishing pussy.. she catches her orgasmic rhythm again almost instantly as it rises with uncontrollable intensity..

Her screams ring out with no concern of being heard..


A sudden burst of her feminine juices come squirting out of her with pulsating gushing waves, as it’s released from her glorious internal fleshy folds..She watches in amazement as her pussy sprays across the metre plus distance and up half the height of the mirror, time and time again…

She rubs and slaps at the widely spread open flesh of her glistening pussy to continually ride this squirting sensation to its maximum potential…

YES, she screams as the liquid pours from her..

Finally, buckling knees bring her down to hands and knees on the slippery cold tiles of the bathroom floor… Panting heavily with heaving breasts rising and falling with multi-climactic shortened breathing, she cups her throbbing female genitalia.. Helena whimpers with the intense feminine sensuality she feels, this sends tears of pure ecstasy flooding from her tightly closed eyes….

‘I am Me, I am a powerful Woman’!!

she expresses with the most intense conviction she has ever had..

‘In 2 kilometres veer left off the off-ramp and your destination is 6 minutes away’

An explosion of invisible emotional stars explode around her, she is suddenly ripped from this erotic vision and made aware of her surroundings.. Instantly realising Siri is telling her to get her shit together as Ian house is only 6 minutes away!!

Holy Shit… she panics… breathe… then she looks into that truth bearing rear view mirror again and authoritatively repeats…

You got this Woman!!

Helena suddenly remembered the serious conversation she had with herself after Ian had rung.. He had asked if she would like to pop into his place for a cuppa as she had mentioned she was driving past.. She was on the way to pick up a new puppy as a new addition to her little family..

She had immediately said she would, which hadn’t surprised her as the willingness to be close to him again was overwhelming..


She had decided on some personal boundaries to adhere too for her own empowerment…

Don’t stay,

Take more time to get to know him..

Don’t sleep with him… simple.. easy… Fuck really!!

And here you are in your sexiest underwear, aroused at the thought of his touch and dripping your love juices down your legs…

Such a contradiction you bitch!

She shakes her head at the way her sexual desire had so easily overtaken the rational thinking she felt so strongly about..

You got this shit girl… This is MY life now..

I make all of MY decisions based upon how I feel.. not anyone else!!

‘In 400 metres you will be at your destination’…..

Fuck me!! She exclaimed..

as she pulls over 100 metres from the designated driveway of her intriguing Ian…

Helena felt the rising tide of anticipation and excitement cursing through her body.. She noticed her erect nipples wanting to bust thru the light fabric of the cute pastel thigh length summery dress she was wearing…

She slid the front of the dress up her tanned athletic thighs to expose her black laced knickers covering that sweet soft fleshy waxed mound… She loved the way her pussy looked in these sexy knickers and her hand rubbed her moist mound which felt amazing as she sat back and noticed an erotic twinkle in her eye in the mirror..

You slut she giggled..

Helena had to have a long cold shower after her erotic self pleasuring moment in front of her mirror, she cooed at the thought of it again…Lucky she had another set of matching knickers to put on as the last pair were in desperate need of a good soaking!!

These were becoming the same which she loved..

In that moment a switch was flicked and the sudden realisation of where she was and what she was doing hit her with an intense anxiety racked feeling…This feeling felt so familiar from past moments and relationship decisions that she had felt and she had no power to stop.. It always played out the same way like the constant changing script of a daytime soap drama, full of continuous painful and destructive chapters that she couldn’t control….

She suddenly caught herself sharply before becoming suffocated with immense emotional anxiety as in the past..


Not this time, as she shot a burning look in the mirror at herself..

Helena saw herself heavily frowned and intensely glowering, focused on the house and driveway of this man she had met once previously.. and she was blaming him!!

She paused…

Unknotted her angry facial expressions.. Breathed deeply with closed relaxed eyes.. Suddenly her lips slowly lifted and smiled as she realised this WAS different…

She HAS the power to decide her destiny and always bloody had.. It had taken her life’s past turmoiled lessons to figure it out…

If I don’t want any of this at anytime, I can stop it…and I will!!

I can’t blame him as it’s my decision to make.. it always has been!!

Helena knew she truly felt this way which eased her rising fears instantly..The moment whimsically disappeared as fast as it had arrived..This had never happened before and with a long relaxing sigh that sat her back into the car seat..she had a newly found internal peace..The cool feeling of tears of relief rolling down her cheeks were so personally powerful.. she was so grateful for them, she let them flow..

Wow, she thought as she sat there..What an intense few days it has been..

Major emotional balances being reset through physical touch and mental healing…An overwhelming sense of pride in herself washed over this glowing, beautiful, sexy black laced lingerie wearing woman as she completely took it all in deservingly..

After years of trying times and painful breaking points, physically, emotionally and mentally she had come out the end of it all.. Now with the tools and awareness to decide how her life will go…. And happily, that had eventually led her to the gate of Ian..

Right, lets do this and just see what happens..

No predetermined outcomes… No inhibitions or judgment.. Just make my decisions as they come.. Say what you feel and let the cards fall as they do…

Yeeewwwwww!! … She cried happily at her new ‘Rising Phoenix’ chapter in her life…

Pulling into the driveway winding down the window she noticed movement on the front decking area of the house…A boisterous dog launched himself off the deck and towards the car she was driving while barking with authority..

Helena pulled up to the front of the house but couldn’t see anyone, the dog kept looking back at the house for backup or acknowledgement from his master..

The house was a cute colonial styled cottage/ farmhouse with a large well managed floral garden and impressive lawns..The sound of horses beyond the boundary garden fence inquiring too each other about the new visitor gave Helen a feeling of loneliness..

Helena wondered if Ian had created this property with his previous partner in mind.. After he found out about her affair, was he left here alone talking to horses and meticulously manicuring lawns??

Surprisingly this filled Helena with an immense love for her own hilltop elevated townhouse close to the city.. It was overlooking her beloved beach that she surfed as regularly as possible.. She felt she wasn’t ready for this kind of isolation as she loved the gentle bustling of people going about their day..

Mental note… Hopefully he doesn’t ask.. she hummed..

After sniffing and peeling on every tyre the dog had returned to lying down on the corner of the deck where he could see every part of the property and driveway, he was a security guard dog and he took his job seriously…

After a quick glance in the mirror in case of any glaring visual imperfections, a quick fluffing of the hair for lift and extra bounce.. She smiled ‘looking hot girl if I don’t mind saying’.. the glow of her major breakthrough and personal empowerment over the course of the drive was awash on her face…

She decided to hop out of the car and step onto the decking area in front of this cute cottage…

She called out to Ian as she floated across the deck area in her cutest voice that was vocally layered with shyness and flirtatious tones.. no one replied so she reached the doorbell, rung it and waited..

The dog sniffed the air and felt Helena wasn’t a threat and continued his vigilant guarding..

The sound of a wooden chair sliding back from a table across the wooden farmhouse kitchen floor is an iconic sound, it instantly sparks a visual picture inside all of us…

Helena could hear heavy footprints creaking floorboards towards the door…Her heart suddenly felt like it was crashing into her inner chest as the footprints got closer to her..

Her breath was drawn sharply and held as there was a pause from both of them…

Is that you Helena?.. a deep masculine voice asks inquiringly..

A cracked sound escapes her constricted throat followed with a clearing cough…

‘Yes.. Hi Ian’, she finally expelled as she could feel her face blushing with reddening shyness..

Can you step into the middle of the deck please Helena?

Ian deeply rasps with intent in his voice..

Helena is taken back by the tone but abides by moving backwards away from the door and stands in the middle of his decking area a little confused.. She feels the warmth of the sun dancing over the exposed skin of her breasts like warm butterfly kisses..

A Silenced moment hangs awkwardly before that assertive male voice asks if she has done as directed…

Yes…  she gingerly expresses…

Good girl..

The door handle turns slowly and thru it steps that beautiful specimen of the man Helena had seen so many times in her dreaming states of remembrance…She blushes more with short fluttered breathing at his hungry gaze upon her feminine form.. He glides to a little rocking chair and sits down to a resting position and gently rocks without saying a word…

Helena begins to shuffle in the one spot under Ian’s studying look..

She has the feeling she has done something wrong like a school girl in front of the teacher ready to be spanked, suddenly she feels vulnerable and exposed but physically planted in this area of the deck..Theres a feeling to do as she is told without a word being said…Still confused but this begins to excite her  as she hangs on his next dominant direction..

You can undress slowly now Helena, Ian matter of factly mentions towards her…

A gasp slips past her lips as her pleading eyes dear not leave his dominating watchful presence…With her eyes she asks did you just ask me to take my clothes off in front of you, for the first time on this outside deck??

Ian understands the eye language and slowly nods and says… Yes, do as I asked please… I will not repeat myself again..

She wants the ground to open up and swallow her but she feels the need to accept and carry out his wishes without hesitation..Her body is beginning to heat erotically now with Ian’s gently powered dominant energy display..

Helena’s fingers smoothly follows the contours along the top of one of her toned shoulders and slips under the light strap of her dress…

It slides down the length of her bicep to her elbow exposing the silky tanned skin of her shoulders..

Slowly please, Ian demands.. she slows…

Helena repeats the same movement over the other shoulder and catch’s the nearly falling dress against her heavily rising and falling breasts…She bites her lip which is paired with a smouldering and seducing energy and gaze towards this alluring desirable man, he is motioning her to continue…She lets her dress slowly ride down to expose her black laced bra lifted breasts with hardened nipples protruding sharply from the delicate fabric…Her eyes watch as Ian seems to clearly become sexually aroused, its the sight of her heaving breasts hugged in her sexy black laced lingerie… she expels an erotic whimpering moan at the thought of Ian aroused by her physicality.. she longs for him to take her into his arms and do as he pleases with her..

Helena bends over and continues to slide the dress down her legs to step out of it but stops at her knees..

She holds…

Then shoots a naughty vixen like expression at Inia while slowly doing a pirouetted turn..She wants to let this man feast his desire on her tight G stringed bum and now aroused womanhood that she sways seductively..She is feeling so sensually feminine and womanly submissive towards him..She feels his wanting gaze ravaging her body as she steps out of the dress, staying bent over she slowly opens her legs..She shows Inia her now moistening, fleshy folds of her twitching pussy held barely by the Lacey knickers…

Desirable moaning resonates from behind her which excites her…

Still bent over her exploring fingers slide up the back of her long stocking covered legs,  she pulls and lets go both straps of the garters so they spank her on the back of her bum and thighs loudly.. she instantly feels the marks welting and loves it.. Her fingers continue up the straps around the inside her thighs until she’s gently touching her increasingly wet pussy..

This time they both moan in ecstasy as Helena runs her fingers down along the fabric of the G string that’s now inside her glistening lips until she reaches her cute little bum hole..She hovers there gently then applies tapping pressure to her tight hole..

Suddenly all her nerves are twinkling with pleasure and wanting more so she pulls the fabric to the side, spreads one cheek, licks her finger and rubs herself around the rim of her bum sending waves of pleasure to every part of her body.. Startling she feels a warm sensation on the rim of her bum that makes the entire area scream….

It’s Ian’s tongue as he laps at her hungrily with strong hands spreading her cheeks wide apart.. It feels amazing as his probing pointed tongue opens her tight bum ever so slightly and makes her moan in pure ecstasy at the gentle stretching feeling…

Ian couldn’t resist anymore as she played with her cute little tight bum..He had to taste her and let her know he wanted all of her.. Ian spread her cheeks while licking and then gently parting Helena’s tight little bumhole with his probing tongue.. Her uninhabited moans reassured him he could have all of this stunning beauty when he wanted.. As Helena had removed her dress and shown him her black lacy lingerie, Ian’s cock had risen to its full length..

Astounded as his previously imagined desire was being fulfilled with every passing moment..

Ian stood up and motioned Helena to turn around and do the same..They stood in front of each other unashamedly and looked into each other’s souls thru their eyes..There they both found a growing love for each other that they felt they should nourish and nurture together..Ian took Helena into his arms and they intimately held each other meltingly for an age..The securing comfort was beyond what either could have imagined to feel… so much previous pain and suffering instantly disappeared in that moment..

Ian pulled back and fished in his pocket for a moment and produced a black choker collar and silver chained lead..

As Helena lifted her hair, her eyes fixed upon him intensely the sharp steel snap of the collar rung out.. Ian bent and hovered closely to Helena’s ear and whispered…

You are now my wanting whore!!

Written by Funkyboy77

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