lets here your fantasasies stories or maybe create a glory hole near you
Quote by Clydenzed
I have been to a private GH a number of times.....great fun!
is that an invite? is there more to that convo? or you just letting us know you ok?
Seems a keen interest is here and we also would like to get involved here,all we know for Auckland there are Glory Holes that are usually within a building of sorts that promotes 'other' things. such places as TotalBodyBliss,,Peaches and Cream Krd and I think Manukau as Basement in the CBD and Grinder have been mentioned. Problem is most of these are attached to gay bars and will be male dominant. And as mentioned yes the Tent at CCK is great but is also an attachment of another thing.
Although like PeachesNCream Cinema Kr'd ,is better to organise some keen supporters and make a date,otherwise expect ugly randoms(sorry truth hurts,oh well)
So I guess going forward,a temporary shelter of sorts will have to be built and advertised accordingly,am willing to help out here from a planning/organising persepective only. Unfortunately can not help physically unless y'all willing to move to the island lol. Hope someone picks this up and has a good think about it. old shed converted with a partition wall that has been precut etc.
??thought we posted a reply lol....
Keen to be involved here, what an opportunity^ and grateful to you both Kinky_and_Playful for offering a potential venue.
Max vs Min Numbers would help with your planning so as to not 'over do' it? Which night/s of week? How often? Time is a huge factor here, well with any factor involving play I guess. Either way, happy to assist, good on you both once again, good luck xx