Hey just wondering if anyone has attended this event?
What was it like?
Ratio of guys to girls?
Yes, there is never any obligation to do anything and an event. Any event.
But considering 98% of people there are there to take part, especially the ladies, you need to be very clear to the guys thay you only want to watch.
Those who don't take it well will probably be kicked out. Guys not well behaved get banned.
But if you talk to them for an hour (of a 3-hour event) before revealing there was never any chance, some will be annoyed.
Quote by Sexyshoes76
Can a couple attend this event without the woman actually participating and instead just watch?
As has been said, yes, however as Maybe_Talent has said, it might upset some. Maybe try a Wednesday to see and speak to some couples or others there, they often are at the Gangbang nights. They will let you know what to expect etc.
Actually yes, Wednesday might be good as that is a weekly event for mfm, mmfmm people. Never any obligation to do anything. But the Bangbang club on Sundays is a major event three times ayear so best not to knowingly waste one of the limited spots. Key word there is 'knowingly'. It is always fine to turn up planning to play and then choose not to, or not find the right chemistry with someone there.