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celebrate my birthday and hamiltom meet and greet

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hey guys ... thinking of having a meet and greet in hamz around my birthday in October ... just want to know if anyone is keen so just put yr name down and will decide in the nxt few days ... will let ya know date etc when have decided Well have decided on the 13th of october guys .... venue will be on invite when sent out ... cheers Well have decided to have a bit of a fun thing hapen for the night ... THEME ... all attendies please wear a silly pair of glasses ... thaught this would be a bit of a laugh ... you can get them cheap from any the asian shops for a few dollars so be a devil and do it ... we all need a laugh Well venue is sorted .... invites will be sent in in the nxt week ... but please remember as its in a public place KS rules will aply ... if i am not happy with some of the conduct from attendies at the venue they will be asked to leave so watch out in you email boxes Invite have been sent out but it isnt too late to get one HAMILTON HERE WE COME .... CENTRAL CITY GUNNA ROCK Usual rules apply No Sex or inapropriate conduct at any of the venues we go to otherwise i will be telling you to leave Show repsect to others around us No illicit drugs NO means no so listen and just dont presume Other than that every one have a good time and enjoy yrselves iF YOU ARE UNSURE OF WHERE THE MEET IS JUST EMAIL ME Thanks mags
would love to help you celebrate
hey in
if the dates are right i would love to be there wohoo the date is perfect! count me in my troublesome twin lol
Yes would love to help you celebrate with you.:love:
I'd be keen. please let me know when and where smile :beer: Thanks
If the timing wourks out, would love to come up for it!
If im still here. excellent theme wabs
not sure if we can b there wabby but can u let us know the date plz and we will see how things go :happy:
hey hey Wabby , lyn and i love to help you out ,,, same venue as last time ???? that all worked so well
Hey Wabby, Would love to be there but depends on dates- can do early Oct but not late- hope your birthday's early ;)
Keen to go, depending on the date. :cheers::cheers:
Hi we would love to come.
:bounce: thanks guys just gotta work dates out and venue
i would like to come for your bday celebrations wabby
Id love to come!
Please smile
hi,i would be keen to come along to.
I'll be there if I can!! lol Yay for Wabbs!! El Baldo
Hamilton.....yay We would love to be invited thats for sure :eeek: Minnie and Mickey
Do you think we would miss out. Hell girl will be there with bells on. Do I have to behave? smile
We'd love to come. Let us know the details when you sort them.
[quote:7a7c4565c8="thestore"]Do you think we would miss out. Hell girl will be there with bells on. Do I have to behave? smile[/quote:7a7c4565c8] you behave .. never woman lol
Put us down for a bit of rump shaking... lol
would love to come as long as i can get the time off work
the last Hamilton meet was bloody fantastic!! smile
we'll cum have some fun 2
Would love to be invited sounds like fun
hi,i would like to come along to please.