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Potluck Dinner Party

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We have the use of a facility out West (thank you Zolt) boasting a swimming pool, Spa pool, Sauna, large kitchen dining/lounge area showers toilets caravan and tent sites as well as  Marae styles inside(own bedding including mattress) with ample parking nestled discreetly in the bush.  Because of the club rules and a live-in caretaker this is not a "Sunday Roast" play meet as such however we would like to invite you all and yes single guys included to join us.  

Pot Luck dinner you may ask? Shared meal where all who arrive with their own food ie boil-up, KFC, lasagna, butter chicken, pizza, fish n chips whatever put it all on the table to share.  After a few introductions get the music going crack a few woodies mix and mingle sing dance utilize the facilities and enjoy the rest of the evening. 

The date is Saturday December 2nd starting 6pm, kai at 7 and going through till whenever.  There is a minimal cost of $20each(paid on arrival) for the venue facilities and sound system hireage.    Christmas themed attire although optional, is always appreciated.  See you there even if it is to listen to our KS guitarist......wink  


sounds like fun, xxx

Sounds cool  wet & horny

:swingingchair:it good fun yes please hehe

thats 3 more to the list wahooooo.  Doh 3 1/2 nearly forgot about fudgee..... Pukanaaaaa

Bugger, got a kids party on that day sad

Have fun guys

Hey I’m interested , keen to chat some more x

also interested as long as I’m not the youngest by 20 years haha. ?

lol, your safe life.......just hehe

LOL Life ^^ You know we be cumming Horny smile

Well I think 18 single guys showing interest to attend is probably enough ..... smile  

:shock: oh dear..puts on Armorguard Security jacket lol.. Sit Down Be Humble!! whip :smackbum: hahahha

count me in

Sorry!!! Closing it off to anymore single guys maybe next time...............

Just checked out the venue which is set back from the road in a nice bush-like, private setting with large yard, pool and spa which I envisage us making good use of. Inside is spacious  and comfortable with a fully equipped kitchen, fridge and microwave as well as showers and toilets.  There is plenty of space inside the main area for us to sleep over. 

Please confirm if you will be joining us for asleep over.  You will need an airbed or mattress, pillows and  blanket.   There is one cabin but sorry its already been taken.  

 Its gonna be a fun night.  Don't forget something for dinner and byo.

.........................roll on next Saturday....

I May be  à starter..  Dépends if thé ex has thé kids

I May be  à starter..  Dépends if thé ex has thé kids

any room for me to attend?

might just be able to squeeze you in, next to me of course.......... silly

Hi hi. Gutted but can’t make it anymore!  Have a great time I look forward to the next one!

Getting excited. Mrs SAK is looking forward to meeting you. Haha

im the shy quiet short arse in the corner, hang on no thats Lestat.  Im the fatso in the red suit next to

any room for me?

We hope you have our spot reserved. The cupcakes are unfortunately not viable anymore but we will find something else to bring. 

Thanks for organising a good get together even if I felt like the odd one out lol Was good meeting all who came smile