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TAURANGA MEET Friday 26th November

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1 watcher
Its about time I get down Tauranga
Will be a Private Venue
Friday Night from 8pm onwards
Please post your names if interested in attending and details will be given 2 weeks prior
There will be a small charge to cover some costs
Warming the Bed
We keen as Wolf
Warming the Bed
count us in at this stage and lets hope work doesnt get in the way
sounds like a good idea, count me in wolfy
Warming the Bed
Yes please Wolfie, if we can we would love to come, count us in at this stage. B&P
Forum Virgin
We'd be interested in a meet up if timing permits.. Would love to meet some locals. Please keep us in the loop smile
We'd be also interested in this meet and greet if we are free please keep us in the loop and pls give us details of the party smile cheers
Warming the Bed
:taz: :rose: me & lestat are in hun
Would love to come and meet all the sexy locals!!
Forum Virgin
hi yep we are definitely interested and if free would love to come along please keep us in the loop
Warming the Bed
Count us in as well!
hi we keen ,please keep in contact and up to date
Forum Virgin
Would like to comewith full of respect
Warming the Bed
Yes please Wolfie :swingingchair:ebony and l would love an adventure away from aucks look forward to meeting new faces and people
Forum Virgin
Hi, me and Winona would love to come, as that's where she lives, look forward to further details
Hey may be interested in coming, will let you know closer to time, xox
Put me down babes .. if im not working i will be there
Forum Virgin
would like to attend if possible thanks
Forum Virgin
Yes please Wolfgirl,Mrs and I are keen you there. boink
We'd be keen to maybe attend this party... smile Please keep us posted Wolfgirl xx