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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58
Bi-curious Female, 50
New Zealand


WE ARE IN MELBOURNE.....we live on the West Island!!!!   He is back in NZ for a couple of weeks early Feb 2024. Solo. Say hi to us if you’re coming to Melbourne…. Xx

Fit, healthy attractive Melbourne couple - he's a Kiwi from Christchurch, she's an Aussie from Melbourne - welcome mail from anyone coming to the world's most liveable city.  We are two unashamed kinksters, filthy perverts, sluts, whores....TOGETHER. We don't play separate.    We love parties, group sex, couples, threesomes, foursomes, moresomes...... ..We were in boring marriages in previous lives, and now we are living our wet dreams together.  We absolutely delight in seeing the other get pleasure...seriously....many have met us and envied us for our tight bond yet wild ways.    There are never any dramas with us.  We like to meet and greet, meet and eat, drink, dance, suck and necessarily in that order.

HE DESCRIBES HER:  L is a head-turner.  Often mistaken for a woman ten years younger, but she's in her prime right now. Slim (she's horrified that she has ''ballooned'' to a size 10 this year despite all the fucking LOL) and cute, she has the prettiest face and the sweetest smile. She is full of personality, the life and soul of the party, is and totaly non-judgemental and a very positive soul.  She's a great mum and a sensitive caring partner.  But...don't tell her own mother !!!....she has this hidden side that very, very few know about.  As she puts it herself: ''no one would ever guess that I am a total slut, an absolute cock whore, would they honey?'' Indeed they would not!  The other soccer mums think they know her, but ha ha ha if only they really did.   L loves to be the centre of attention, her birthday treats in recent years have included a dirty dozen guys fucking her in a motel and each one creaming alll over her pretty face as she mouths ''I love you'' to me watching 5m away.....then all singing ''happy birthday to you'' as the semen spills off her....then I make love to her sticky self after the guys leave and she orgasms over what she has just done.  That's how we roll.  She loves hot couples, hung guys, firm dominant nasty guys who know what a whore like her needs, and give it to her but good.  But she's also my sweetheart, so it's safe-sex only boys and nice manners ARE A MUST.  She may be a nympho slut, but she likes to be treated like a lady at the same time.   It makes sense in the heat of the moment, trust us.  MMMF is a constant delight to her and usually the guys are amazed at how hot she looks, and they can't believe their luck.  True.  But she is a committed partner, and nothing makes her wetter than performing like this in front of her man - ME.  She never. ever plays alone, even if she was allowed to (and she is!).  It just does not turn her on.  We are a package deal, and she wants your package.....

SHE DESCRIBES HIM: D has to be the dirtiest bastard on the planet.  After I left my husband because I was bored shitless and started dating D, I told him I had these secret urges.....and now he's turned me into a slut ha ha ha.  I love it and I love him.  He fucks me better than anyone....he has lovely manners and he's so smart that his charming conversation seems to wet other women's knickers, not just mine.  .He rides a Harley and has a couple of tattoos and his long hair has been in a plait for like 23 years.....some people look at him and think ''tough bikie'' but that just goes to show how wrong they can be.  He's a softie, an absolute gentleman, loves his kids and his pets, he has a surprisingly professional career even though he looks like a mechanc or a tradie, and also he's just a sex machine.  Gorgeous cut cock, nice and big and thick. and oh girl, does he know how to use it.  Other women are always remarking on how much energy he has for his age.  He just gets hornier and better as he gets older.  He is the BEST dirty talker I have ever heard, OMG he has an unlimited vocabulary to juice up the ladies....he makes me squirm sitting in the car when we are on our way to do something naughty and he has a clear vision of what's gonna happen to me.  Or us.   He is always thinking about ''treats'' for me that see me covered in other men's spunk but he would NEVER let a guy take me to the movies or cuddle me to sleep.  He's an awesome flirt, and he always follows through with his polite pussy threats. I think he needs to get more pussy, he does OK when we head out on the prowl at parties etc but he's always keeping an eye out for me.  More women should fuck this dirty, disgustng, divine man of mine LOL. 


Adult parties
Anal sex
B & D
Clubs and Parties
Gang bangs
Group sex
Oral sex
Outdoor sex
Straight sex


Female Couple
Age: 30 - 65
Distance: 150 km