Tēnā koutou katoa, wāhine mā! Greetings to all, beautiful women!
I adore wāhine of indigenous background who are connected to their culture and ancestry, including but not limited to Māori, Samoan, Hawai'ian, Aboriginal Australian, Turtle Island (Native American and Canadian), Latina, African, Asian and Gaelic/Celtic (Scottish, Irish, Welsh). If they can speak their own native tongue, even better. I LOVE the opportunity to flirt in te reo Māori, as it is SO rare!!! If a woman can teach me flirtacious terms/pickup lines in her own language, even better!!!
One of my biggest turnons is people who know enough about te ao Māori/indigenous cultural qualities and colonial plights so as not to need me to be their sole form of education. Hence with indigenous women, I feel a kind of social shorthand.
I am looking for such women that we may have a good time on our own terms. It doesn't matter if you're already partnered, just as long as there is mutual consent for all involved.
Couples are fine, as long as I don't have to do anything with the tāne/man. He can be there if that's their tikaka/protocol, but I won't do anything sexual with/to him.
I am not looking for a serious relationship at this time, mainly a woman/women to pleasurably pass the time with. M/F and M/F/F preferred. I am a gentleman, and have many wāhine friends who can vouch for that.