Sweet is interested in finding a female partner to explore with. This will be her first time with another woman, she needs someone who will give her time to adjust, and someone who will make her feel at ease about her own sexuality. Sweet's partner needs to be kind, caring, strong enough to take the lead, able to listen to 'no', and able to make her feel safe. Sweet doesn't know how far she is willing to let another woman go with her, or how far she can go herself. Sweet wants Banana in the room, but completely hands off; it's her fantasy to drive him completely crazy, knowing he's not allowed to join in.
A single lady would be great, but Banana would prefer a couple where the lady is able to play with Sweet without the other Mr in the room (her request). This is about creating a longer more open relationships with fewer play dates, so he wants it to be easy to bring other men in later, and feels that couples would facilitate this better.
We like to take it cautiously, If you are a couple and approach us, we'd love to go out for a drink, but with absolutely no commitments at first meet. you never
know, maybe if we've chatted for a while, got some expectations, etc; it might be different. We are new to the swinging scene. We'd be interested in another couple; attitude is more important to us than looks at this stage to ease into this journey with. 4way, some soft mm or ff stuff maybe as we are both decidedly straight, but open minded.
No single guys. Well, you can say hi, but Mr Banana handles all communications in here, so you won't be getting a look in. IF WE WANT A GUY, we will contact you. We will only approach paying members, as well. Sorry to the genuine ones. From what I've learned here, most of them are cheating husbands, unreliable, untrustworthy, no shows. Even a lot of "bi curious" are just saying that to get into a couples' space.