We had the pleasure of finally meeting up with this couple recently. We absolutely loved our time with this sexy couple, and look forward to more! So very easy to get along with and so, so, so sexy the both of them.
Adult parties
Group sex
Making videos
Oral sex
Outdoor sex
Straight sex
Age: 19 - 47
500 km
Kiwi Swingers features sexually explicit material. To access this site you must be of the legal age to engage with the material of an adult site.
By entering Kiwi Swingers you agree to the following;
I am deemed an adult where I live, and I am at least 18 years old
I am allowed to access & view sexually explicit material
We had the pleasure of finally meeting up with this couple recently. We absolutely loved our time with this sexy couple, and look forward to more! So very easy to get along with and so, so, so sexy the both of them.