if the date is good, im in! :twisted:
has everyone received their invites? if not PM me and i will sort it
[quote:621507cba0="embers2touch"]Embers would love to come.......[/quote:621507cba0] But?
we could make it a themed night
the date is friday the 13 April
The proposal is to have another Hamilton meet. Same format as before. the venue is decided but not booked and a back is available. Let me know if you are keen.
Mr N
with bells on (and any other naughty paraphenallia!
i hve had a torrid time both personally and professionally. however, thanks to another member, we have two options.
Option 1, there is a hall available. it would mean BYO alcohol, drinks food etc
I would supply a Jukebox for some music. there would need to be a cover charge to pay for this option
option 2 is to use part of a local bar. this would mean the general public would be able to come among us freely. they almost surely wouldnt. it would also mean intimacy would have to be kept to a discreet minimum. no cover charge but pay for consumables
i also had the idea of a marquee somewhere but heating it would be the issue there i think. although it would mean we are on our own, uninterrupted. there would be no cover charge. but BYO drinks etc.
what do you guys think. the venue i wanted was not suitable and is not an option
the venue is a realy nice spot in ham city. the date is the 6 aug (sat). hope this suits.
i have a very good venue pencilled. as for the date. i am looking at the 6 aug 2011. is this date good for most?
i would love to be invited
update: Hamilton meet invites have now been sent 31st July. If you have not received an invite or a mail from me explaining why you have not been invited then please let me know.
update: Registrations are now closed .. invites will be sent tonight (sat 30th) if all goes well
update: Registrations for the Hamilton meet will close at 8pm tomorrow night ( friday 29th July ) , please remember a registration does not gaurantee you an invite as we have to keep the numbers allowed by the venue in mind.
update : If you have registered and do not believe you can make it please let me know so that we can offer invites to others who can make it!
let me know via forums, whisper in chat or mail
Please dont remain registered if you have no intention of coming , lets keep this fair for all please !
*Please note this meet is now being arranged by Jackie_1 with assitance from JnA & myself*
Date: 6th August 2011
Jackie has arranged a Great semi private bar location for us in the Te Rapa area
Time to be confirmed with invites - approx 1 week prior.
I believe that the venue can fit 40 people in the roped off semi private area or if we get more we can be in with general public , there is a max number however I am unsure of what this is currently. People who have already registered will be considered for invites first of course!
Please note the same rules as the Auckland Meets are to apply:
:thumbup: * Reply to this thread stating who is coming ( eg: AnJ and JnA )
:thumbup: * Remember anyone who is not a registered member of the site will not be invited. (ie: if you are a single member and want to bring your parnter, your parnter must also be a member on the site via their own account or as part of a couple account with you)
:small-print: NO sex on the premises. (and yes i have been made aware this occured at the last auckland meet by quite a few people.)sex = any under clothes action, oral sex and penetration of any sort. If you cant resist the urge then head back to your hotel, home, car , whatever but if it happens on site you will be removed from the premises as a starting point no matter who you are.
:small-print: PLAY SAFE! Please dont leave with anyone you are not comfortable with. Your safety is your own responsibility!
:small-print: Drink responsibly please. We dont want to be taking anyone to have their stomach pumped. In addition I believe the venue offers a courtesy bus to and maybe from the venue , more information on this to come!
:small-print: KS does not support the use of illicit drugs and just as the site and chat rules state it is not to be talked about here, we expect there to be no one using drugs at the meets! Anyone seen to be doing so will be removed from the premises by security and Admin will be consulted as to your membership status.
:small-print: remember no means NO
:small-print: Be respectful of the venue
:small-print: Once the location is released it is to be kept private, anyone who is known to have leaked this information wil not be welcome at the meet and may be banned from the site for a period of time.
:small-print: Please remember for a lot of us this is a lifestyle choice, not a game. As such discretion is of the upmost importance
:bounce: Lets make Hamiltons first meet a brilliant one guys and girls ! We cant wait to see you all there! :bounce:
~~~ updated by AnJ ~~~