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3 weeks ago
Straight Male, 48
0 km · Rotorua


it is pretty close to the spring event. if I can split gas costs with someone i'll come.
count me in wink And remember if you go to spring meet, and you belong to Botty Club, you can always ware the Botty Club symbol ( discreatly on a ring or a pin or somthing) :wink: :twisted: lol
anyone interested in a strip poker night (texas holdem) to be held in Rotorua on july 1st. all welcome there will be no cover charge. if enough interest it will be a regular event wink numbers will be limited to 20, invites will be sent out closer to the date. if it becomes regulat i'll try and rotate it between hams, tauranga, rotorua on a monthly basses. the date is 1st of july, but if there isnt enough interest I will postpone it till end of july...don't worry if u don't know how to play it, I don't iether lol
thats a bloody good question, so I supose u will arive at between 10 and 11. so u have McDonalds (yuck!) the Shed might be open then, The Fat Dog should be or Nandoes, Breakers on fenton street should be sort of like Dennies but better, they should have a good breakfast.
havn't got a bike at moment (sufering motorbike withdrawl symptoms) love to catch up with u in rotorua for breakfast though. come over two my place if u like. smile
organising an adventure trip to Waikiti and Waitapu thermal pools, going to kerosine creak, the bridge, lake waiwhero ect. and then spend the evening at the waitapu pub after. maybe see more places well see how it goes. try for 16 june.
yesssss. count me in, as i already live :twisted: I couple of people could stay at my place.
yup, count me in. anyone else from rotovagus need a ride? :twisted: wink :swingingchair:
yep,be there, see closer to the date :twisted: :swingingchair: yup i can make this.
going to auckland meet from Rotorua, anyone need a ride, split fuel cost. 1.6 ltr mazda astine, quite good on fuel. ::-):
Has anyone here tried body-painting? what did you think of it? who would like to try it? is it a good idea for a party/competiton? I have body-paint and brushes at the ready lol :twisted: wink