Join the most popular community of Kiwi swingers now
1 week ago
Straight Male, 54
Bisexual Female, 44
New Zealand


So get your party gear on and dress to impress
When? - Saturday 13th April 2013
Where?- Auckland City - location to be advised closer to date
Time? - 8pm till late

Please register your interest now.
There will be a $10 per person non refundable cover charge for this event, as no funds can go to myself these will be used towards venue hire and prizes from our great friends at
As you register I will forward account details to you.. payment will be required by March 15th.
Don't forget that out of towners are ALWAYS welcome
Please note only those who are registered members of the site may attend. No plus 1's

To ensure your spot what do you need to do ?

* keep your nose clean... anyone with multiple or serious warnings/kickings or bannings from chat will not be invited.
* Reply to this thread stating who is coming ( eg: AnJ and JnA )you cannot register for other members unless they are a joint account holder.
Please do not be offended if you do not receive an invite. I am always willing to discuss reasons as to why someone is not able to attend.
Rules??? same as always lol
sex on the premises. (and yes i have been made aware this occured at a previous meet. Sex = oral sex and penetration of any sort. If you cant resist the urge then head back to your hotel, home, car , whatever but if it happens on site you will be removed from the premises as a starting point no matter who you are.
Please also remember if you head into a bathroom stall with another person people start talking and I have to come along and ask what is happening etc.. i hate doing that lol
SAFE! Please dont leave with anyone you are not comfortable with. Your safety is your own responsibility!
responsibly please. I dont want to be taking anyone to have their stomach pumped.
does not support the use of illicit drugs and just as the site and chat rules state it is not to be talked about here, we expect there to be no one using drugs at the meets! Anyone seen to be doing so will be removed from the premises by security and Admin will be consulted as to your membership status.
no means NO
respectful of the venue, the staff and your fellow site members at all times
the location is released it is to be kept private, anyone who is known to have leaked this information wil not be welcome at the meet and may be banned from the site for a period of time.
remember for a lot of us this is a lifestyle choice, not a game. As such discretion is of the upmost importance
importantly come along and enjoy yourself.