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"A Parisian affair"

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They were seated 2 tables over in profile to us at Les Deux Magots, where tourists all, seeking to feast with famously dead philosophers and writers played audience to the show of life on one of Paris’ busy boulevards.
Both in blue, she, tied back but shortish dark hair, Harry Potter spectacles, and braless under a sky blue thin knitted top. Perfectly Parisian. And he, blue shirt loosely buttoned, a day or two of facial hair and with an air of a happy American jock but his partner dented this impression in the best way turning him from idiot, to good-natured fop. Both were loved up, wedding rings in evidence and very new.

In Paris, there is little worse than a certain kind of American tourist. They break the spell with their nasal demands; their inability to step back, and become part of the scene rather than dominate it.

And so, although we couldn’t hear these two clearly, our initial impression was indeed broken as snippets of that foul whine were detected. Sad face.

Our entrees arrived and while my relaxed wife drank her fill of Pimms & Champagne and I surveyed snails our glances across continued apace. Paris is a city full of eyes where everyone checks everyone else out. It’s a place to feel good about yourself in the lightning fast furtive glances of other humans; eye contact acting as social synapses sparking endorphins and confidence. It’s a town where people are ready for life to happen.

The clank of a falling fork broke the spell and she bent low toward us to try and grab it from the floor. Her knitted neckline plunging, taking my eyes and breath down. Perhaps sensing this, she smiled upon rising, fork safely in hand and spying my escargot said in a perfect Irish lilt, ‘you’re brave!’, in truth I hadn’t yet been brave enough to try one of the 4 sitting patiently on my ornate side plate so in a panic blurted out ‘how about one each?’. We all exchanged daring looks and he, in bashful brogue added an ‘alright then, but we’ll need more drinks!’. My wife, surprised at this easy connection added in a recommendation for the Pimms and Champagne cocktails and somehow, within moments, tables were joined, forks loaded and we were counting down 3, 2, 1…to our first taste of snails…Jesus. Quite garlicky and a little rubbery but cheers and drinks sent them on their way.

It turned out they were indeed Irish, indeed honeymooners, and like us, intoxicated by Paris.
We ate, laughed, and discussed all manner of art, politics and science-fiction feeling felt strangely close to these two. He was an exciting mix of buff, boyish charm but smart and fun to talk too, and she was beautiful, bookish, a little shy but fun and funny. My wife has a smile which can melt the coldest of ice but can also be shy with strangers and me, a little awkward, rarely relaxed but somehow, in this city, and in this company the mix opened and warmed us to each other.

Dinner was coming to an end and with it an anxiety over where or what would happen next. I eagerly wanted to spend more time enjoying this warm night with our new friends but had no easy way of saying so without feeling silly. I was saved by my wife announcing she would be back soon and her new friend offered to accompany her as only women are able to. So us men had to entertain ourselves. I asked him where they met and he told me it was at a party. Like a student party? No, he added. More like a.. he hesitated, a kink party. Eyes wide. Really? They’d been younger than most there and had both had few experiences. She’d come with a friend and he with a previous girlfriend. They’d talked for an hour and exchanged numbers. Within a month they were together. My mouth was open, and to be honest, under the table I was hard. By contrast, I told him, we’d met online dating, but in the days before tinder etc.. my wife had been traveling and I was out of a shitty marriage. We clicked fast (and still do!). We’d also had some experiences, good and bad, most recently I told him was our most excellent couples tantric massage. I kind of couldn’t believe we were confiding like this but it might’ve been that we were strangers in a strange city. Our honesty lubricated by anonymity.

The women arrived back all bright eyes and smiles. My wife with an added cheeky expression which puzzled and bemused me. The moment she was within earshot came the reason, “pierced nipples!” She said, eyes wide once more. The others laughed and I was momentarily lost for something to add. “How do you…?”, were the words that eventually formed and her eyebrow arch told me. Women and bathrooms: The whole world could be sorted out between women and bathrooms. When the laughing died down he was first to speak, asking if we had other plans for the evening. My wife responded with ‘what are you thinking?’ Which took him back a bit. Like he’d rolled a 4 and she’d moved the piece 6 places further along the board. She piped in with ‘drinks!’, yes! ‘In or out?’ I added, playing a cheeky chance card. She took a euro from the tip plate and flipped it…

…’heads!’ She said excitedly, that means in!’ Smiles all round and no one questioned it. ‘So then, yours or ours?’, I asked. He grabbed the coin adding ‘okay properly this time, heads your…?’, ‘Hotel’ my wife said, ‘tails, our apartment, deal?’ ‘Deal’, and another heads. ‘So the drinks are on us!’ She said as we made to go. They asked for the address and said they’d go get them and meet us in half an hour so I wrote the address down, we hugged, sort of kissed and parted, a playful touch of my arse from her leaving me blushing.

On the way back my wife and I talked; were we good? Was this okay? Yes, and yes. Would it even happen? Who knew but we’d live off the fantasy for years.

We got back and had the quickest of showers, before re-dressing. Nerves, but just drinks so what were we nervous about? I stood behind my wife as she re-applied make up in the bathroom, kissed her freshly perfumed neck and felt the full shape of her breasts and waist beneath the smart, stylish, thin flowered dress. ‘Are we going to maybe have sex with other people tonight?’ I asked…she looked at me in the mirror, smiled coyly and leaned into my mouth on her skin when a knock at the door knocked us from our moment.

They’d changed. He was clean, shaven, tidy, dashing even in a dark suit, and she in a knee length sky blue summer dress, and they had bubbles and Pimms, a bottle of each. He smiled and held out a hand, ‘Danny, and Ellie. Very pleased to meet you’. We returned the greeting and realised how strange it had been that it hadn’t been strange at all not to know each other’s names until now.

Our room was small but on the top floor overlooking rooftops toward Notre Dame. We had the lights low and only 2 chairs so the women sat on the end of the bed while I found glasses. Filled and toasted there was something of an awkward silence. The first of the night. Emboldened by the alcohol I broached their kink life.

It wasn’t a big thing for them she added but something they fitted in on holidays mostly if they felt the urge.

My wife is a tickler. Her sensual tickle feels phenomenal, and she responds almost spiritually to a really nice, soft tickle. I note this here as I’d realised she was very delicately ticking the top of the hand and lower arm of our new friend. As i said, she can be shy but this was such a beautiful approach, and it was working. Her recipient was ever so slightly melting when Danny noticed too. ‘She’s a wizard at this. She has the best touch I’ve ever felt’. Danny moved beside her, taking off his suit jacket and pulling up a sleeve to reveal a toned arm. So there was my beautiful wife, sitting on the end of a queen-sized bed in Paris with beautiful people either side of her being pleasure-tickled into entropy. It was a lovely thing to witness, and I was enjoying it all when she added that I was also really good at tickling (having had a great deal of practice on her over the years). Ellie said ‘come on then!’ And I joined her. We re-organised ourselves so the women were at the foot of the bed with Danny and I just behind them on each side. I took Ellie’s arm, gently placed it on my knee, and focused on the lightest touch I could muster. The back of my fingers sliding so softly down her bicep, and fore-arm to the top of her hand and ending between her fingers. Then back up, 5 fingers like the tendrils of a harmless jelly fish slowly, lightly caressing and releasing. It felt like a long luxurious time but I noticed eyes lock, and then lips of these two beautiful women meet softly as though the touch continued through them. This turned the heat of the room up but the pace remained slow, and soft.

Danny had begun tickling my wife’s arm to return the favour and he looked at me in a way I interpreted to mean ‘are you seeing this?, is it cool?’ I smiled and gave a nod but when lips parted I asked everyone ‘are we all good?’ My wife looked back to me and said ‘yes honey, you?’ ‘If you’re good I’m good my love, how about you two? Ellie looked to Danny, then my wife, then me and said ‘Definitely’. Then back to Danny ‘umm, baby…would it be okay if I kissed him? He gave her a nod and a smile and she turned to my wife and said, ‘okay with you?’, she responded with an enthusiastic ‘Yes. But I might need to kiss Danny too’, ‘it’s a deal’, Ellie added ‘but don’t stop the tickle’, we laughed and she turned her beautiful face to me. The glasses has gone, I’m guessing been replaced with contacts. She leaned in and I kept touching her arm as our lips met. She kissed fast, faster than what I was used to. Her tongue darted in and out and ran rings around mine. I’m a slow kisser so this was different and nice. Her perfume filled my head and she’d nudged around the bed so she could hold the back of my head in one hand and my side on the other. I ran my fingers down her neck and pulled her closer. My wife was lying on her back, Danny over her, lips together. One of his muscled arms held him aloft and the other felt her side and the side of her breast. She held his neck and was feeling his chest with her other hand. Ellie took my hand and placed it on her breast, still kissing, and me catching up in speed. I kneaded her small nipples, careful with the nipple rings having had no experience of them. I whispered to ask if it was okay and she nodded breathlessly adding ‘harder is fine’. We lay down too, and Ellie climbed half on top of me. My hands found her smooth thigh and rode it and her dress up to discover she wasn’t wearing any underwear. I clasped her tight arse and then felt between her legs. She took in breath and leaned past me to kiss Danny’s ear. He responded, turned to give her a peck as my wife tousled my hair. I looked up across the bed and she was smiling. Ellie said to her ‘I need to take his pants off, is that okay?’ She nodded and Ellie kissed her again then slid slowly down me removing my belt. ‘Do you two want to lie together?’ Asked Danny. We understood as he got off the bed and we scooched over so that we were indeed side by side as Danny reached in and slowly took down my wife’s knickers, just as Ellie was doing to me. Then we held hands as they both went down on us. We kissed a little but the sensation of Ellie’s mouth on my cock was overwhelming. She’d slowed right down and it felt amazing. Her hands fondling my balls as her tongue licked my cock inside her mouth. There was nothing automatic about it, just sense, power, and lush sexual energy. I took in a soft moan from beside me and remembered that Danny was enjoying my wife’s pussy as much was she was enjoying the thrill of his mouth. ‘It’s so good!’ she breathed. I clasped her hand tight and then let go, allowing her to sink away into the pleasure. Ellie was licking my balls and perineum, both felt incredible but I was close and it was too soon so I said ‘wait’, and guided her back up to me. We kissed and I tasted myself on her mouth. She sat me up and stood beside me unzipping the side of her dress which fell to reveal her. I held her waist and kissed those beautifully small breasts. Taking the rings into my mouth and tonguing her nipples.

Then I stood and we kissed again before I guided her onto the bed. She lay in front of me, beautifully naked and then turned over onto hands and knees to kiss my wife as her pussy throbbed on Danny’s keen tongue. I took my shirt off, got to my knees and began massaging her arse. She responded to my rhythm until I couldn’t take it any longer, and while she’d somehow gotten my wife’s dress and bra down and was kissing her nipples, I dove face first into her arse. Tonguing deeply to penetrate and taste her, my fingers reaching around to find her wet pussy and swollen clit. Both women were close but all of us indirectly sent our energy to my wife who succumbed to the two mouths covering her in the most earth-shattering orgasm I’d been part of. She kept kissing Ellie throughout, as did I at the other end, and soon she too thundered.

My wife then pulled Danny’s arms up to her saying ‘come here…’, she pushed him onto the bed, got up and began removing his clothes. Then with a wry look to Ellie and I she went down on his long cock. Ellie kissed Danny deeply, sharing their recent taste and then came to me. We sat arm in arm and watched the spectacle. I resumed tickling, my finger nails ever so gently gliding up and down her back. Ellie kissed me once more before joining Fiona with Danny’s cock. I had a drink and enjoyed the view, before Ellie looked up at me and surprisingly asked, ‘would you like to join us?’. I was puzzled? Confused? Danny nodded that it was okay so to my knees I went with these two beautiful women who parted for me. Ellie held his cock and my wife touched my back as I leaned forward and kissed the top. It was fresh in a room thick with sex. I licked the shaft and said it tasted like ice cream for some reason. Everyone laughed. Then I enveloped this Irish man’s cock. Unlike mine it was circumcised and it felt bigger in my mouth than I’d expected, but the sensation was okay, so I sucked and did what I thought you were supposed to do as my wife leaned in and kissed the shaft and Ellie leaned in and kissed my neck. Danny gave a pleasurable moan so we must have been doing something right as Ellie took over and for the first time in the evening I got to kiss my beautiful wife. I loved her reassuring mouth and knowing tongue. ‘Ok?’ I mouthed when our lips parted and she nodded. Ellie brought her face close to ours as though we were part of a clandestine meeting in the shadow of Danny’s cock, and whispered to my wife ‘would you like to fuck my husband?’, and in a tone matching our secret meeting melodrama she responded ‘I think that ’s a very good idea…would you like to fuck mine?’, ‘yes please and thank you’ came the reply. We all chuckled and got up for a drink. The air was full of us, and we resumed ticking and downed our cocktails. Then Ellie took my hand and pulled me to the bed. She lay down, and I lay to her side. My wife guided Danny to his back and climbed on top of him feeling his chest muscles, the contours of his ribs, arms, neck before bending onto him, her breasts coming to rest, nose sniffing and nudging the side of his face. Their lips met again and as Ellie and I watched, she led his thick cock into her with a small gasp. She was ready for him and for his pace to quicken as his hips pushed deeper. She had the fingers of one hand on her clit and the other around his neck keeping the connection between their mouths working; the hungry tongues tasting each other. I was hypnotised as Ellie pulled me on top of her and kissed me deeply as well. Her body against mine was amazing and there was no resistance to my cock entering her. I buried my face in her neck as the feeling of fucking her existentially destroyed my perception of the room; replacing me with a new kind of super being. I felt my wife’s hand touch my arm and opened my eyes to her beautiful face beaming with pleasure.

After that, none of us lasted long. She was first, her pitch rising then her fast whisper of ‘fuck me’ as she was flung over the edge into that entropic bliss followed straight away by Danny convulsing and burying all of himself inside her which sent me past the point of no return; my cock involuntarily pulsing, pulsing, pulsing into Ellie whose whole body shivered under me as we came heavily together.

There’s always that slightly nervous part, where the spirit returns to the body and everyone realises in a very human sense what has just occurred. Danny, glistening with sweat broke the nerves in the most Irish way possible exclaiming ‘Jesus fucking Christ’ under heavy breaths. We all laughed, and lay arm in arm for…I’m unsure how long but perfect sleep took us all in turn.

The next morning should’ve been more awkward. We asked if they’d like to shower and while away my amazing wife and I checked in with each other. Were we okay? Yes, we thought so. Had this changed us? Yes. Would we like to invite our friends to breakfast. Definitely. And so a little later over croissant, jam, coffee and arm tickles we spent our last hour all together before they had to go and pack for their flight home. There were genuinely warm hugs, and promises to keep in touch and as they finally waved adieu and walked away holding hands. My wife and I smiled at each other. I leaned over and we kissed delicately for a proper Parisian amount of time. Then I whispered ‘I love you’ close to her ear and she beautifully responded ‘je t’aime aussi’.

Written by kiwi_uk

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