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Site Help

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A new Site Help forum has been created and all our other forums are currently over tonight and next few days being cleaned up by myself. Daily updates of any site issues will be provided to me and when necessary will be updated in the Site Help forum.
What I ask is that all members experiencing issues have a read of the forums first to see if already being addressed. If not feel feel free to post a query and I or other mods will answer queries on a daily basis when we can.
If one is not answered it may be because I am in the hospital with JnA so feel free to send me a ks mail to alert me to it and i will do all i can to answer in the forum for you and ks mail you to advise completed.
We DO care guys and gals but life has been rather difficult in real life and online ( as you are all aware ). We ARE in the process of trying to make this easier for ALL.