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~~~2nd Auckland Meet and Greet ~~~ Registrations re-opened

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REGISTRATIONS HAVE BEEN REOPENED FOR ANY MEMBERS WHO HAVE JOINED PRIOR TO APRIL THIS YEAR , if you would like to come along and thought you have missed out , now is your chance.. please reply in the forum thread!!!
UPDATE: registrations are now closed - invites will be out next weekend.(the weekend prior to meet.. IF YOU ARE FROM OUT OF TOWN AND REQUIRE CONFIRMATION SOONER PLEASE CONTACT ME IN CHAT !) Please remember not all who have registered will receive an invite but we are doing our best to accomodate as many as we can!

UPDATE Chance to register for meet and greet will be closed by 9pm Wednesday 18/05. Please note there has been a HUGE interest for people to attend and numbers are limited. IF you are not invited to this meet please keep an eye on the forums for any upcoming events. IF anyone thinks they wont make it for whatever reason please contact me so your space can be given to someone else interested in coming along
Yayyy we promised you quarterly and so that means the next Auckland Meet and Greet is to be held.... Drumroll........................
4th June 2011
The Venue will be different but we will again be looking at a city meet.
To ensure your spot what do you need to do ?
* keep your nose clean... anyone with multiple or serious warnings/kickings or bannings from chat will not be invited.
* Reply to this thread stating who is coming ( eg: AnJ and JnA )
* Remember anyone who is not a registered member of the site will not be invited. (ie: if you are a single member and want to bring your parnter, your parnter must also be a member on the site via their own account or as part of a couple account with you)
* Please note that although we will attempt a bigger venue this time we cannot guarantee that all who have registered will be able to come so get your registrations in early.
* If you have already registered and need to cancel please let me know so that we can remove your post and have that spot for someone else on the list.
What are the rules this time?
Same as before ladies and gents
:thumbup: This is a meet and greet...NOT a sex party.
:thumbup: If you meet someone you want to know better then please make sure it does NOT happen on the premises.
:thumbup: PLAY SAFE! Please dont leave with anyone you are not comfortable with. Your safety is your own responsibility!
:thumbup: remember no means NO
:thumbup: Be respectful of the venue
:thumbup: Once the location is released it is to be kept private, anyone who is known to have leaked this information wil not be welcome at the meet and may be banned from the site for a period of time.
If you have any questions please feel free to flick me a site mail or ask in chat!
Just like last time I cant wait to see you all again and to meet anyone new that comes along ! kiss
Ill be there no matter what!!! Bring it ON!!!:bounce:
can't wait Aim's ... mwah! i want a new dress... lets go shopping gurl!
[quote:e8b1d569a1="bottleblondes"]can't wait Aim's ... mwah! i want a new dress... lets go shopping gurl![/quote:e8b1d569a1] ohhh hell yeah cause i have to wear something to beat the corset from last time ahahah
Yaaaaaay!!!!!!! The Hyps will be there!!!! Can I come shopping tooooo???
we will be there as long as its a kid free sat night
[quote:c5afa3c6cd="Hypnotic"]Yaaaaaay!!!!!!! The Hyps will be there!!!! Can I come shopping tooooo???[/quote:c5afa3c6cd] yes yes yes girls shopping trip sounds great !
We will be there with bells on this time round, and looking forward to it xxx Ritch rips page out of diary no double bookings that day!
Yep, won't miss another one! Count the tazzy's in! Mr & Mrs! :taz: :taz:
count the bonds in!!! good gear!!! mwahhhhhhh xxxx n hugzzzz :haha::haha:
The kinkys will be there with bells on. Cant wait!!!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I missed the last one, would love to go to this one.
Ohh for sure the NAC and the Silver fox will be there with bells on.
[color=green:5b851e8fc2]Miki & Roxy look forward to attending[/color:5b851e8fc2] :violin:
Sounds like a plan then smile
Pretty please
AnJ, We are definitely interested, will need to check out accomodation as its a long weekend (Queens birthday!) But all things being equal we would be keen. We love you rules and guidelines, excellent! Mr and Mrs Justlooking98
All things being I think its exams but please pencil in Raunchies. Whoop Whoop it's a party!
fingers crossed we'll be coming up too!!
Great count me in cheers Matt
we be in .. me and traffic .. make sure hes not gunna work this time on a sunday ffs lol
Hey Aims.... Not gonna be able to make that weekend at all, we will be away! Didn't realise it was Queens birthday weekend! Aunty turning 60!
missed the last one... would love to come to this one. Thanks
Please reveal ASAP .................. I am eager to ....................... Cezar
[quote:db313e2db5="cezarbaxter"]Please reveal ASAP .................. I am eager to ....................... Cezar[/quote:db313e2db5] reveal what sorry Cezar? its all in first post biggrin
hey we like to register but no gaurantees....if we can we will attend and rock the northerns lol
[quote:e71f9a8751="peebles"]hey we like to register but no gaurantees....if we can we will attend and rock the northerns lol[/quote:e71f9a8751] yayy peebs !!!! if things change and you cant make it let me know closer to the date, but for now.. yayyy
I would love to come along and meet everyone. JT
I'mma maybe again ... hopefully this is after exams lol
Guys, would love to be there, had such a good time last time out and was gr8 to put faces to names. count me in