Hey folks,
Hot off the back of the last Auckland meet which was a blast thanks Aims..a number of us have discussed having another one in the near future.
As promised, I have done some research and the venue i would like to propose is available on the 27th August. It is central city (less than 600m from the last venue actually) and a very funky place thats got a good vibe and some features. (no its not Spartys or ckk or of similar nature)
We would need to have a good crowd there to ensure it has no venue hire so please do register your interest if you are keen and more likely to come than not - if your a fence sitter, work out what you need to THEN reply.
Similar mood to last time, it wont be a shagfest at the venue, the purpose is meet and greet and hang out with our ks mates in a safe and comfortable -no judgment environment.
Give me your feedback and lets get it rolling.