So it has been decided the meet and greet will take place on the 19th March.
The location is going to be parnell.
for safety reasons, closer to the date I will mail you the bar name. This is to be treated with the upmost discretion!
Things to note.....
This is a meet and greet... [b:bdfbfc543a]NOT[/b:bdfbfc543a] a sex party.
If you meet someone you want to know better then please make sure it does [b:bdfbfc543a]NOT[/b:bdfbfc543a] happen on the premises.
[b:bdfbfc543a]PLAY SAFE![/b:bdfbfc543a] Please dont leave with anyone you are not comfortable with. Your safety is your [b:bdfbfc543a]own[/b:bdfbfc543a] responsibility!
remember [b:bdfbfc543a]no means NO [/b:bdfbfc543a]
The owner of the bar is considering closing the bar to the general public and realy looking after us so please on the night be respectful of his property.
Please reply to this thread if you are able to join us for what is going to be a great and fun night of drinks , meeting and most likely some dancing and flirting
[b:bdfbfc543a] please note that spaces are filling up fast as the bar is not huge so please do not be offended if you miss out this time as there will be more meet and greets in the future if this one goes well.
In addition please be aware that anyone wanting to come along who has had multiple and serious warnings/bannings from the site will not be invited to the bar, they will receive a mail message to advise why.
For this reason I want to say again that the location once revealed this weekend [i:bdfbfc543a]must[/i:bdfbfc543a] be kept private [/b:bdfbfc543a]