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Christchurch Meet and Greet!!! February 22nd

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:bounce::inlove::inlove::rose::swingingchair: yes would love to attend...........ebony never been to chch :bounce::bounce::eeek::happy::happy::happy::2fingers::evil2::evil2::thrilled: So wanted to go but alas embers and Ivory have been rostered to do their shift the weekend of th 22nd feb dam......
[quote:e22b78e485="Wolfgirl"]:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce: [size=18:e22b78e485][color=darkred:e22b78e485]Christchurch Meet Will be in CBD and on Saturday 22nd February 8pm Just a get together and catch up with friends and meet new ones If your interested in coming along, put your name down here and I will send information to you week before Event Any questions, feel free to contact me [/color:e22b78e485] [/size:e22b78e485][/quote:e22b78e485] hey yeah im keen can ypou please send me the info?
I'll put my hand up, be nice to meet you Wolfie.
sounds good to us yea would love to come
Keen to go...and come !!
we might have to canceal due to personal reasons will private message ya but would still like to meet u even if its just coffee
Yes definitely interested ! smile
I will be in Christchurch then and would like to attend and meet some of the site members
[quote:f6303f8bf6="Wolfgirl"]Christchurch Meet - Will be in CBD and on Saturday 22nd February 8pm[/quote:f6303f8bf6] So did this take place and if so, how was it??
[quote:5fc4e9efb5="Nighthawk"][quote:5fc4e9efb5="Wolfgirl"]Christchurch Meet - Will be in CBD and on Saturday 22nd February 8pm[/quote:5fc4e9efb5] So did this take place and if so, how was it??[/quote:5fc4e9efb5] I went, there was a good turnout and everyone seemed to be having a fun time. Some good interacions with another party of people at the bar we went to as well!