Its my bday a that week :O i wana come too meet some of you put some faces to names
please add me.... i will let you know if i can make it this time. sorry about the last one,..... stupid work
i will be there defo. be a good going home gift lol :P xxx
heya, we'd be keen on attending.
hello,mr and mrs would love invite
I am now caught up to here.
Please let me know if you havnt recieved the email with the account details for payment
i would be interested in coming please
need to attend the meeting
waiting for great fun
Huggiesnz and I hope to be there too YAY we planning on moving to the Waikato in a couple weeks
Hi there ....
we really want to join this party and was wondering how to do it.
we're friends of mandk's couple ....... awesome couple actually.
thanks ....
Great way to meet people and catch up with friends..count us in ;)
everyone who has signed up should have by now received the payment instructions. If you havnt please contact me asap. Payments MUST be made by Oct 19 in order for the entertainment for the meet to be arranged.
looking forward to it already :0)
[quote:7b4d813283="AnJ"]everyone who has signed up should have by now received the payment instructions. If you havnt please contact me asap. Payments [b:7b4d813283]MUST[/b:7b4d813283] be made by Oct 19 in order for the entertainment for the meet to be arranged.[/quote:7b4d813283]
Hi babe
Ive asked for the account number before ..... goodness knows where i put it. If off for a week overseas on Tuesday could i have it for Monday so i can take care of before i leave.
we are comming aims book us in