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2 days ago
Straight Male, 58
0 km · Wellington


Similar experiences here, quite a few rain checks at the last minute, I like to be fair and accept that we all have busy lives and commitments etc, however a few are very inflexible and not wanting to negotiate a time and place that is convenient for both parties. And of course, pointing the finger that I only get one chance and not interested.

Whats with that?

Also, I regularly get hit up from guys who want to find a male lover for their wife. They tell me everything about their wife, only to ignore further contact or just disappear. I suspect these guys are just indulging in a fantasy and their wife isn't even aware of their profile etc!

I just have to accept this as a regular thing on this site and the internet in general, lots of talk but very few walk the talk!

But maybe it is my safety net stopping me from becoming too much of a manwhore!!