31 August 2015
Hi, thanks to all the people who have participated in my research to date. I'm coming to the end of the interviewing process but would still like to interview 5 or 6 more women to get a balance of voices and experiences in the sample. So if that's you and you are interested or even curious please contact me to find out more.
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Hi, I'm a member of this site and some others like it. A few years ago when I joined up I found it such an interesting experience that a bit later I decided to make it the topic of my PhD research. So I'm now researching people's experiences of using online technologies like adult websites and apps to find people to have sex with.
So far I have interviewed 17 people and have heard some really interesting and varied stories and reflections on using sites /apps, meeting people (or not), developing friends networks, and how using such sites fit into people's lives.
I'm currently looking for more people who would be interested in being interviewed and in particular I would like to include more people who use the sites as part of a couple, and more women. Single men are also welcome as I'm interested in more participants generally, but a special call out to women and couples so I get a good representation of different people's experiences.
If you are interested in finding out more, please contact me by pm. But briefly, an interview would be 1-2 hours at a place that is convenient and private and would be audio recorded. There are the usual University ethics confidentiality requirements which means that I would keep your identify and information confidential, you are free to say is little or as much as you want, and informed consent covers everything. That means I will not look at or record anything on this site or elsewhere unless you specifically say I can (and this goes for the entire site and everyone on it).
Please feel free to email me here.
Thanks, Paulette