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2 hours ago
Straight Male, 66
Straight Female, 62
0 km · Tauranga


if you get down here in Tauranga let us know as we would like to show you our home town

likewise we think its a great idea. It would be good to meet up with some more locals

the purple tie idea would work

Yes we are interested  and keen to celebrate  with all of you

mr and mrs are very keen and catch up with our rotorua freinds

thanks wabby for a great night

was great to catch up with old friends and put  names to faces

roll on the next one and we will be more organised and not have to drive home on the night

yes we are in. date is loaded and locked  cant wait and be great to catch up with everyone

we are finally clear this weekend and would love to attend and meet some new people
like everyone else we would be very interested depending on dates Rex & Robyn
count us in at this stage and lets hope work doesnt get in the way
all the best with this meeting we would be there except we are booked on our holiday have a good time and next time we will be there lol
Hi all anyone cruising from auckland on the 21st may heading to the aussie east coast and back to auckland should a great time away contact us if you are coming as well
bad news folks ,we wont be there this time,working again - bugger it hope you all have fun
yes please count us as a maybe depending on dates lets hope the date works for us
we would be keen to make the trip from Tauranga depending on dates etc
count us in at this stage depending on dates etc not too far to travel for this one
please count us in we have made a space in our calendar for this event cannot wait
if you are heading towards Tauranga there is always the Katikati naturists camping ground we have been for day visits only so far but a lot of people camp there and enjoy it it is also close to the beautiful mount maunganui beaches